a) All analog inputs, analog audio, analog outputs, and analog references of the
POWERLIGHT shall be protected from a connection to an external voltage source ranging
from zero volts (ground) to VBATT + 0.5 volts through a resistive load ranging from zero
ohms to an open circuit. The fault condition may be applied while the output is active or
inactive for an indefinite period of time. Such fault conditions shall cause no permanent
damage or degradation of performance. Upon removal of the fault condition, the particular
input or output shall return to normal behavior without requiring any operator action or
hardware reset.
b) In the event of the loss of power or ground to the POWERLIGHT, any “sneak path" caused by the parallel connection of a POWERLIGHT input to an input of another module that is also pulled up or pulled down shall result in no damage or permanent performance
degradation of the POWERLIGHT. A sneak path shall cause no unintended actuation, or
degradation of POWERLIGHT functions.
Vehicle level validation shall be the responsibility of the supplier and GM ACCESSORIES. The
DRE will provide Program Management and the Supplier with a detailed vehicle test plan in
order to integrate the requirements with the Platform ADV Plan. The Vehicle Level Validation
Test plan can be found in Appendix GMA 2. Any deviations and/or changes to the quoted
Vehicle Level validation test plan shall be approved by the GM ACCESSORIES DRE.
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-8-5 23:08 编辑 ]
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