经双方共同研究,决定对W公司进行追加投资,投资款Q元,其中A 150万元,B 200万元。双方应遵守如下协议:
二:企业小额支出,A or B 可以个人决定。10000元以上支出须经双方研究商议后决定。购置固定资产须双方共同商议后决定(签字)
五:投资人是A & B.(营业执照是A&C). C 是代理人。实际出资人是B。条件允许时C变更为B。
投资人A: 投资人B:
日期: 日期:
好像没人啊?! 那我先把我自己翻译的放在这,希望大家多提意见,谢谢!
Investment Contract
Party: A
Party: B
After the agreement between the two parties, additional investment to the W company is Q yuan, 1.5m from party A, 2m from party B.
Both sides should abide by the following agreement.
1. The property of the company belongs to the two parties. Each owns 50% shares of the company and rights to manage the company. Neither A nor B has the right to control the personal assets in the name of personal identity.
2. Small business expenses can be decided by A or B himself. Discussions are needed between A and B when the expenses are more than 10 thousand. It is allowed to purchase fixed assets under the permission(signature) from A and B.
3. With the supply contract or agreement, the factory is able to purchase goods, which mainly are the raw materials.
4. After the assessment of he company property, the profite of it will compensate the investors who buy the newly acquired fixed assets (any investment happened after registering 1.6m capital) and also pay back the business arrears.
5. Investors are A and B. The shareholders on the Business License are B and C who is the representative of the actual investor B. When the conditions allows, B will be the shareholder instead of C.
6. The detailed list of the compant assets include the original price on the invoice or contract, the product model, quantity, amount, deposity space, factory area and structure.
Party A: Party B:
Date: Date:
[ 本帖最后由 外贸初员 于 2010-8-31 14:27 编辑 ]
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