求地板行业的专业英语[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-9-2 17:19 编辑 ]
安装地板条 Install wood strip flooring
企口地板 Joint flooring
地板 Flooring
纤维板 Fibre board
底板 Bottom
细工木板 Blockboard
板材 Board
拼花地板 Block floor
山毛榉拼花地板 Beech parquet
条板心细木工板 Batten board
山毛榉木 Beech
竹子 Bamboo
人造板 Artificial slabs
成年材 Adult wood
隔音板 Acoustical board
红苏木 Rhodesian teak Umgusi Zambesi redwood
毒籽山榄木 Moabi
巴福芸香(俗称象牙木、白象牙) Pau marfim Moroti Quatambu
桦木 Birch
耐香烟灼烧性能的测定 Determination of resistane to cigarette burns
耐沸水煮性能的测定 Determination of resistance to immersion boiling water
耐干热性能的测定 Determination of resistance to dry heat
耐冲击性能的测定 Determination of resistance to impact
尺寸稳定性性能的测定 Determination of dimensional stability
表面耐污染性能的测定 Determination of resistance to surface staining
表面耐磨性能的测定 Determination of resistance to surface wear
吸水厚度膨胀率的测定 Determination of thickness swelling rate of water absorption
平面抗拉强度的测定 Determination of flush tensile strength
密度的测定 Determination of density
静曲强度和弹性模量的测定 Determination of static bending strength and elastic modulus
甲醛释放量的测定 Determination of formaldehyde released
含水率的测定 Determination of moisture content
刨花板 Particle board
胶合板 Plywood
银杏树 ginkgo
美国梧桐 sycamore
橡树 oak
榆木树 elm
檀香木 sandalwood
紫檀 rosewood
樟树 camphor tree
洋槐 locust
紫杉 yew
铁杉 hemlock spruce
红杉 sequoia
谢谢2#楼的分享, 请问有强化地板的专业英语吗? 期待中...
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