文章摘自美国进口商网,www.americanimporters.org ,感兴趣的网友可以登陆上去看原版。我毕业后第一家公司是一家美资咨询公司,专门销售美国进口商名录,因此对群发邮件的技巧深有感触,所以贴出此帖,希望能对各位网友的业务有所帮助。原文的作者应该是美国人,对电子邮件营销的理解可能和国内同行有所不同,但是我看绝大部分的建议都值得采纳.由于我的资历尚浅,如有翻译不妥之处,还请各位网友指教,以便我及时改正,共同进步。谢谢。
The Internet - Where the Customers Are!
E-mail can be a very effective tool for marketing your products to buyers around the world IF you know what you are doing and follow certain rules. The important word here is -IF-. Those who do not know what they are doing or do not follow the rules quickly get a bad reputation and rarely have successful campaigns.
Some of the companies on the Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers have included either their e-mail address or their web site address.
Our Exporting to the World, Using the Internet database list has the email addresses and/or web site addresses of companies around the world (including the USA)
Why is e-mail so popular? First of all it"s easy to get. When you register your URL web address with the internet service provider (ISP) as mentioned above you automatically get several e-mail addresses. It is important that you have at least three basic e-mail addresses. Buyers are looking for them and if you don"t have them it raises suspicion about your company.
为什么电子邮件这么流行?首先是因为电子邮箱(email地址)很容易得到。当你通过网络服务提供商(ISP)注册一个前面提到过的URL(Uniform Resorce Locator,在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法)网址的时候,你就自动有了若干个邮件地址。有一点很重要,那就是你的公司至少需要有三个电子邮件地址,客人会比较在意这一点,如果没有,他们会对你的公司产生某些怀疑。
Your e-mail address after the "@" sign will be your URL that you registered. For example if the URL is www.goldentextile.com, this company"s e-mail address including the "@" sign will be ……@goldentextile.com. Buyers want to know where they are sending their messages. For this reason you should be very specific about where the message is going. [email protected] is a poor e-mail address. It does not give any indication what department the message is going to.
你的email地址“@”后面的部分就是你所注册的URL地址。例如,如果某公司网站地址是www.glodentextile.com,那么这个公司的电子邮箱地址将是***@goldentextile.com。客人们通常想知道他们回复的邮件会发到哪儿或者说是会发给谁,如此一来,你的邮件地址就需要特定,以便告诉客人他们的回信发到了你公司的哪个部门或者发给了哪个负责人。因此,[email protected]是一个非常失败的emial地址,因为它使你的潜在客人不知道他们的回信发到了你公司的哪个部门。
Every export company should have at least these three e-mail addresses: sales@.., export@.. , and support@.. . The three e-mail addresses for the company above would be [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]. By using the first two e-mail addresses the buyer knows that the message is going to the sales or export department. Having the [email protected] address tells the buyer that there is a department that can help them if they should have a question or problem after the order arrives. Having these e-mail addresses at your company greatly improves the chances of a buyer taking your company more seriously. Not having them means that the buyer may not know how to contact you.
每一个经营出口业务的公司都应该有以下三个电子邮件地址: sale@.., export@.., and support@..; 那么前面提到的goldentextile公司的三个email地址分别就应该是:[email protected], [email protected]及[email protected]. 前两个地址告诉你的客人他们的回信发到你公司的销售部和出口部,[email protected]这个地址告诉他们有疑问或下单后遇到问题时你的公司有个部门可以帮助他们解决。你的公司有了这三个email地址,更多的买家会认真对待你的公司。而没有这三个地址的话,客人就不知道该怎么联系你。
Free E-mail Addresses = Many Lost Orders
免费邮件地址(免费邮箱)= 失去许多订单!
You should never, never use a free e-mail address (like yahoo, hotmail, netvigator) for business. Never. Buyers do not trust these e-mail addresses. Always remember that image is more important on the internet than it is face-to-face. When you send an e-mail message to an importer the first question the importer asks him/herself is: Does this look like a serious offer or is this person trying to cheat me.
Having a free e-mail address like yahoo or hotmail is like using a public coin-operated pay phone for your company telephone. Using a free e-mail address says to the buyer "We are not serious enough to get our own telephone, but if you call this pay phone number located in the street near our office we will run out of the office and try to answer it." Free e-mail addresses are bad news.
用一个yahoo或者hotmail的免费邮箱,就好比用一部投币式的公用电话作为你公司的业务电话,就等于对客人说:“我们公司不太正规,没有电话,如果你打我们电话,我们会尽量跑出去办公室附近的投币公用电话去接!” 免费邮箱带来不了好消息。
Another of the many reasons you should not use free e-mails addresses is because of security. Buyers will often send confidential information in an e-mail message. This might include credit card information, bank account information, or confidential company information. If this message is sent to a dedicated e-mail address (like [email protected]) the message goes from the buyer"s computer to the buyer"s ISP, to the exporter"s ISP and then to the exporter?;s computer. The chances of this message being stolen are reduced.
不使用免费邮箱的众多理由中的另外一条就是安全性。客人的邮件中经常会有意无意地夹带些商业机密,这当中可能包含信用卡信息、银行账户信息以及绝密的公司信息。如果这些信息被发给一个专有的企业邮箱,比如[email protected],则经由客人的电脑到他们的网络服务提供商,再到你公司的网络服务提供商,最后到达你的电脑,信息被人窃取的可能性就被降低了。
If, however, the buyer sends confidential information to a free e-mail address (like [email protected]) it goes through several ISPs on its way to the exporter. The chances of the message being stolen are greatly increased. For this reason, buyers do not like to use free e-mail addresses.
如果客人给一个免费邮箱如[email protected]发邮件,其中的商业机密通过中间几个网络服务提供商再到达出口商,那么信息被窃取的风险将大大增加,这就是为什么客人们不愿意使用免费邮箱的原因。
Having an e-mail address like [email protected] shows that the buyer has registered the URL with the local internet service. If there is a problem the buyer can be found through the internet service. Companies that try to cheat other people use free e-mail services ([email protected]) because they do not have to officially register. If you complain about this company there is no address on record for follow up.
注册一个企业邮箱如[email protected]意味着客人已经购买了当地的网络服务,如果出了问题,他们可以通过网络服务找出问题。通常骗子公司为了骗人钱财才用免费邮箱,因为免费邮箱不需要正规注册,一旦出了问题,无处可寻。
The bottom line is this, if you have a free e-mail address get rid of it now. Register your company URL address with a local internet ISP and get a dedicated e-mail address. You will notice a dramatic increase in the number of buyers that will contact you.
The second reason that e-mail is so popular is because it is cheap. It costs nothing more than your time. No paper expense, no postage, no envelope expense.
The third reason it"s popular is that sending e-mail messages is relatively easy. Yes, you must keep a database and make sure it is up-to-date. Yes you must compose the message. But anyone who can use a word processor can also write an e-mail message.
Effective IF You Do It Right
There is a right way and a very wrong way to market your products by e-mail. First let"s discuss the right way.
You should always have the person"s permission before you send them a sales e-mail message. The common question is "How can I ask them if I can contact them until I contact them?" Good question. Here"s the answer.
Go through all the e-mails of prospective buyers that have contacted you in the past. Send each of them an e-mail asking if they would like to be on your "mailing list". Many of them will say yes.
首先,在发推广信之前你首先要获得对方的允许。也许你会问:“如果我不联系他们怎么知道他们允不允许?”问得很好!答案就是, 整理一下以前联系过你的潜在买家的邮件地址,然后给他们每人发一封邮件,问问他们是否愿意加入到你的“群发名单”里,很多人会回答愿意。
Secondly, there are e-mail address lists that you can buy . These are e-mail addresses of companies that might be interested in your product. But you should contact them first and ask for permission to send them a sales message.
The third way to get permission to send prospective buyers an e-mail is have them "opt-in" for your list. On your web site you will announce that you have periodic announcements of your products and if the viewer wants to get on (or opt in) the mailing list that they should contact you.
As an example, exporters who want to get on a mailing list of a free monthly newsletter offering advice and trends on marketing to the USA should go to www.americanimporters.org/pages/emailfor.html .
Also add to the list the e-mail addresses of people you meet at trade fairs and got letters from. Over time, you will have a very nice list of the e-mail addresses of prospective buyers who want to hear from you.
If you have a new product that you think the buyers might be interested in you can send a message to everyone on your list. Do not send too many messages however. One message every two or three months is enough. Less than this and they forget you. More than that and they thin you are sending too many.
Make the messages you send as interesting as possible. In addition to introducing your new product you should also include some interesting information. Buyers will read it if they think they will learn something. They may or may not read it if it is only a sales message.
Write your messages just like you would a sales letter. Use upper and lower case letters (not all capitals) and complete words (no abbreviations).
How NOT to do E-Mail Marketing
One thing that you do not want to do, never ever, is send a sales e-mail message to someone who has not asked for it. It is one of the worst things you can do.
It"s very tempting to do. You find the e-mail address of a company that might be interested in your product and you say to yourself, "I"ll send them an e-mail. What do I have to lose?". The answer is that you have a lot to lose.
Sending a sales e-mail message to someone who did not ask for it called "SPAM". It is considered a very unprofessional and rude thing to do. SPAM messages are hated by everyone. It is the most offensive and at the same time least effective way to market on the internet.
要将事情搞砸总是非常容易的。有一天你发现了一个公司邮箱地址,然后对自己说他们也许会对你的产品感兴趣:“呃不错。好,给他们发一封邮件吧,不成也没什么损失。” 其实你可以失去的东西很多。发给一个没有征得同意的人的邮件叫做“垃圾邮件”。这是非常不专业和不礼貌的行为。“垃圾邮件”是人们深恶痛绝的,因此,这也是最粗暴同时也是效率最低的网络营销。
In short, sending SPAM e-mail messages is not an effective way to sell your products. It"s a waste of your time and that of the person who gets your unwanted message.
But there is something even worse. Sending SPAM sales messages gives your company a very bad reputation. You become a "SPAMMER" and buyers around the world hate spammers.
It"s this simple. Sending e-mail messages to buyers who have asked for it can be very effective. Sending SPAM e-mail message to people who have not asked for is ineffective and destroys your company"s reputation. Please, don"t send SPAM.
Do"s and Do nots of an E-Mail Message
Email 推广的“要”与“不要”
Do make sure you have permission to send that person the message.
Do make the message interesting.
Do have a message at the end of the message telling the buyer what to do if he/she does not want to get your messages anymore.
Do keep your e-mail message short. No one wants to read a long message. Give the highlights and direct the buyer to your web site for more details.
Do answer all e-mail messages in one business day or less.
Do use e-mail addresses that identify your company and the department. Examples are "[email protected]"
Don"t ever, ever send SPAM.
Don"t use all capital letters. It looks like you are shouting or yelling and is rude.
Don"t use abbreviations. It"s considered lazy. Buyers do not like to do business with lazy people. The question is, if this exporter is so lazy that he writes "B. Rgds" instead of "Best Regards" is he also too lazy to make a good product?
不要用缩写。这是懒惰的表现。客人不喜欢和懒人做生意。他们会想:出口商居然懒到用 B.Rgds 代替 Best Regards, 那么他们肯定也会懒得去做一个好产品。
Don"t use free e-mail addresses. They are not trusted. Examples are [email protected].
不要用[email protected]之类的免费邮箱。不安全。
Don"t make the sender guess where the e-mail is going. For example, with [email protected] the message could be going anywhere in the company. Buyers like to know where the message is going. Always have specific addresses like "[email protected]".
不要让你的客人去猜他们的回复会发到哪儿去。例如,如果用[email protected],那么邮件就有可能被公司的任何部门接收,客人想知道谁收到并且负责处理他们的邮件,一定要用sales@goldentextile的邮箱。
Don"t use different colors and different font sizes on your message. It"s considered childish and unprofessional. Use one size and all black.
Don"t use a colored background. Again, it"s considered unprofessional. In addition, they can be hard to read. Always use a white background with black text.
还没有看先收了在说. 谢谢
我有个地方不明白.楼主说要对方允许才发邮件?那还是要先跟他联系的啊 ?楼主什么怎么去做的啊?请教一下/
Awesome.Thx a bunch
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