想回复客户,“由于中国国庆节原因,工厂放假,其他问题过几天发邮件给你” 要怎么翻译比较礼貌一些呢?[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-10-1 20:45 编辑 ]
other questions I will reply you via mail after National Holidays!
Taking off several days deal to National Day, and when getting back will mail you.
We have National holiday from Oct1 to Oct 7, if you have any questions, please sent me email.......I will reply u asap/ immediately after the holiday .
For emergency, please call 手机…… 极品菜鸟,求修改。。。
We will take 7 days off from 1st of Oct for National Holidays and be back office on 8th, any problems please send me mail I will reply you then, if got emergencey please call my cell phone:xxx
We will take 7 days off from 1st of oct for national holidays and be back office
on 8th,any problems please send me mail I will reply you ASAP. if got urgency,pls
call my cell phone : ***
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