Foam Extinguishing Systems泡沫灭火系统A foam installation consists of either (1) a foam generator attached to a permanently piped system which discharges through nozzles
or (2) a very high-expansive type foam generator arranged to discharge directly into a protected space. Either operates automatically
or manually.
Contracts for fixed-foam protection should be let subject to FM Global acceptance obtained by the manufacturer prior to installation.
Drawings showing the installation details and a complete description of the hazard should be submitted to FM Global for review, as
well as information regarding auxiliary features which may affect the operation of the system.
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-10-26 16:54 编辑 ]
protected space照我的理解应该是消防区域
A foam installation consists of either (1) a foam generator attached to a permanently piped system which discharges through nozzles
or (2) a very high-expansive type foam generator arranged to discharge directly into a protected space. Either operates automatically
or manually.
一套发泡装置可以由以下设备组成:1)一个泡沫发生器以及与其相连的通过喷嘴喷射的永久性管道系统 或2)一个很高倍数的泡沫发生器,直接朝目标区域喷射。手动或自动都可以。
签定固定泡沫防火合同必须是在安装前已经获得FM 全球认证的生产商。必须向FM global提交一份装置细节的图纸以及完整的隐患描述以便检查,其它可能影响系统运行的辅助功能信息也需要一并提交。
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