有一客户需要CATALOG ,但我们并没制出来,因为单是同一品种按不同的品质也分好多类,看图片根本什么也看不出,他人在我附近,我想直接带样品去给他拿回国检验,如何用英文表达得简单,直接,诚恳呀。。。。 ??[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-10-27 15:24 编辑 ]
Dear XX,
We are reget that we have no catalog in hand,the new editon is preparing recently.
We can show you our samples in your hotel or our showroom at your option.Also,you can take samples for test.
Please keep us posted when you make your decision.
so many editions.hard to make the catalogue.it is complicated.and you can not distinguish them just from pics.but i can bring you some samples and asnwer your questions.you can check them careful.so pls tell me when you will be free,i will send the smaples to you.
倾向于2楼。 建议的口吻 可以说。 I'd like to bing the samples to you right now since the catalog has not been finifshed yet. And you can take them for test. I am kindly waiting for your reply.
Catolog is not yet published out, moreover, the pictures in it won't tell much, as categorized on 品质,
even in one material?? you may see diferent categories.
Since you are now not far away from us, why not I bring you some samples so you can take them back,
which is a way more immediate?
[ 本帖最后由 Neo6775 于 2010-10-28 23:01 编辑 ]
那就直接了当 我带样品给你 同时带上技术人员 如果有什么问题 我们现场谈 不要说我没有什么 要跟他说我能做什么
since we are close by, can we meet to discuss. I can have samples and tech people with me should you want.
[ 本帖最后由 david.zang 于 2010-10-29 11:04 编辑 ]
Dear my friend
If it is convenient, we can take the samples to you, so that we can talk about the details of speicfic items, what do you think?
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