1. 系统必须与数字程序控调度机和数字程序调度台配套使用。2. 系统内所有分机均可通过系统交换机与外线(国内或国际)电话互通。
3. 系统通过键盘双音频拨号(号码可根据用户要求设定)
4. 自动通道转换(被叫听到主叫呼叫自己时,拿起电话,系统会自动转换通道,同时切断扩音喇叭,进入正常通话状态)。
5. 系统主机可对外线进行呼入,呼出限制(根据用户需要可对部分机器进行设定)。
6. 显示功能(调度台现实所有的呼入和呼出电话号码及分机使用情况)。
7. 一键单呼(按下一个按钮呼叫一台电话机),也可以通过给定的号码进行拨号呼叫。
8. 一键群呼(总台在调度时,可将多个用户在同一时间内用一键群呼或单组,多组呼)。
9. 电话调度会议功能(可提供120个席位用户同时参加会议,能申请单席或多席发言,单听或推出等功能)。
10. 一键强插和强拆(调度台可以强行进入正在通话的电路中通话,也可强行拆掉正在通话的任何一方与另一方进行通话。
11. 系统具有来话转接,呼叫等待,呼叫保持,催挂,呼叫退出等功能。
12. 单呼功能:三种方案任选一种
a , 拿起电话拨号,话机振铃一声,正常自动转换为扩音电路,开始广播人。
b, 拿起电话拨号,话机振铃1~7声(振铃次数可根据用户要求调整),铃声结束后正常自动转换为扩音电路,开始广播找人。(该项为标准配置,出厂设置为三声)
c, 拿起电话拨号,话机长时间振铃(时间长数根据交换机提供的振铃时间)广播找人。
这么多 得付现金那。谁有耐心写这么多啊,简便办法,找一个英文的抄上,不知道上哪儿找。别的公司的产品介绍啊,产品差不多功能也差不多的。对照一下就出来了。
1. The system must be controlled with the digital program schedule dispatch aircraft and supporting the use of digital programs.
2. The system switches all the extensions available through the system and outside (domestic or international) telephone exchange.
3. Two-tone dialing system through the keyboard (numbers can be set according to user requirements)
4. Automatic channel conversion (called hear the caller calls himself, pick up the phone, the system will automatically switch channels at the same time cut off the PA speakers, access to normal call state).
5. System host of external lines can be inbound, outbound limit (according to user needs on the part of the machine settings).
6. Display (actual dispatch all incoming and outgoing telephone numbers, and extension usage).
7. A key single call (press a button on a telephone call), you can also dial the number given call.
8. A key group call (total units in operation, can be multiple users at the same time, with a key group call or a single group, multiple group call.)
Nine. Telephone dispatch conferencing capabilities (can provide 120 seats users simultaneously participate in the meeting to speak on application for single-seat or multi-seat, single listen or launch other functions.)
10. A key Override and demolitions (dispatcher can break into the circuit in the call is a call can also be removed by force is a call to talk to any of the parties with the other
11.. The system would have to transfer, call waiting, call hold, hang reminders, call out other functions.
12. single call function: Choose one of three options a, pick up the phone dialing, phone ringing sound, the normal circuit automatically converted to PA and started broadcaster. b, pick up the phone dialing, phone ringing sound of 1 to 7 (the number of rings can be adjusted according to user requirements), ring tones are automatically converted to normal after the PA circuit, began broadcasting to find someone. (which is standard, factory-set to three sound) c, pick up the phone dial, the phone ring a long time (long time, ringing the number provided under the switch time) broadcast to find someone. 7, 5 seconds if not pick up the phone dialing, you must pick up the handset on-hook dialing again , broadcast to find someone more than 60 seconds, will hear a busy tone, you must start again.
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