要给老外写个信 自己觉得写的不好 请大家帮忙了 辛苦了 谢谢!在材料的问题上我公司和你一样也是非常慎重的,如果以前没有使用过的材料我也不可能随意购买,必竟我们以前有许多经验教训,如果通不过受损失的还是我公司,这点我非常清楚,所以请你放心:第一个把关的是我们,请相信我们是个负责任的公司,我要更换材料也是为了能不断供。
另外 报备记录 该怎么写?
就是不会翻译 帮帮忙吧
we are as discreet as you about the problem of materials.After all we have much expercience, so we can't easily buy any materials that we
haven't used before. I am clear about the question that our company will lose if the products were not passable.So Be reassured please,we
are responsible company.We want to change the materials so that we can provide much better service for you .
we are very particular with material changes. if we didn't use it at before, we usually will not purchase, As we experienced at before. If finally this doesn't work we will have to bear the cost, so take it easy we will handle this. We have to do this to ensure the pipeline will not be empty.
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