大家帮我看看他说的到底是么意思?Thank you for mail.
Received your certification. It seems sufficient to move forward with product certification.
In order to proceed we need:
1. Pro forma invoice address to:
Specification of condoms as per our previous mail.
2. We need CCC and TUV documents to be notarized and signed by Ecuadorian consular in China.
Please advice.
Received your certification. It seems sufficient to move forward with product certification.
In order to proceed we need
1. Pro forma invoice address to:
Specification of condoms as per our previous mail.
2. We need CCC and TUV documents to be notarized and signed by Ecuadorian consular in China.
Please advice.
1. 形式发票,地址按一下:
2. 你需要提供CCC认证和TUV文件,并且要有厄瓜多尔驻中国领事馆认可的。
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