今天偶然登录MSN的共享空间,突然注意到这个信息,很吃惊。本来要转到wordpress,不过还要下载iis 和php,并且不能保证一定能装到xp home版,所以最终放弃。不过据说到时候会自动转到 wp的空间,只不过可能会丢一部分信息。所以决定开此贴,一是广而告之,二是把原来发的些东西借此宝地存存。三是看看能不能帮到一些在学英语的人。直接来正文:
1,**, you are puting the cart before the horse.
Looking back to the past couples of months, **, all of a sudden, had a feeling of putting the cart before the horse.
And the feeling is getting stronger. What the hell!
[ 本帖最后由 livemocha 于 2010-12-16 15:06 编辑 ]
Trouble is a friend.
Trouble is a friend,but I bet few want a friend like that.
A healthy company should be running by a well established system,not by someone or some ones.
Localize the staff, esp. the managing team, is key important not only to optimize the operation,but also to the production.
New order begins
NOS, as a modern and scientific production system is less known than TPS or FPS,but actually
it's the integration and update of them.NOS is the first letters of the 3 Latin words on the back of European coins--NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM,means New Order Begins.
I tried to baidu or google NOS,but found very little on what I was really want to find. Bit of
frastrating to say,but what the hell a pity!
The concepts they share, well, if I couldn't remember them all, include:
7 wastes, Andon system, Kanban Control, VC, VSM, JIT, OTD, PDCA...
By this note, I'd like to thank my NOS tutor, Charlie Helsman. He's been one of the most graceful and successful businessmen I've ever met here in QD.
God bless those who bless themselves!
bloody cold days!
Hell, I've never experienced such bloody cold days, minus 10.7 deg.(doubting what I said. Well, if I did, I'm sorry I couldn't remember. Like Forest Gump said, YOU'VE GOT TO FORGET THE PAST SO THAT YOU CAN GO FORWARD.)
That's ridiculous.
The good news is that it's getting to warm up.
Everyone is rushing and racing in the bustle and hustle life. Few are getting easy. Saw a lady ran into the bus,leaving her backpack squeezed outside between the doors, this morning. The bus was already crammed.But she was still trying, didn't give up. She must be worrying about being late for work.
Who to blame?
After all, $ is all matters.
To be tough inside
To be tough inside, and hold just a little bit longer, you'll be able to welcome the
daybreak light and cherish it in your arms.
More exercise, less beer, more sleep, less stayup, more time with friends, less time with
work, more homemade, less fast food,... more or less, we keep questioning and updating
our new year's plan.
Time is escaping away
Now, close your hand fingers, raise and hold them between your eyes and the sun. You can see the sunlight leaking through. Ok, let's do it again. This time, close your hand fingers,tightly. Then we can not see the sunlight thereafter.
But no matter how tightly we try to close our fingers, we still couldn't stop the time and love escaping through the gaps of our closed fingers.
What am I talking about? That's gas talk, I think.
The worship.
Dreams have been frequently visiting my sleep these days. Some were very strange, like nothing on the world.Some were very interesting,funny,to be exact. And others were rather sad. I had dreams of my grandpa,who has passed by for over 14 years,and my grandma,who just passed by for about 1 year.
Though not quite clear, I could tell that it was about those little things ironed in my childhood memory.
It's time for me to go back to the hometown, and pay them a worship. I am just missing them too much deeply inside. And obviously, I don't know it.
Like Barack said in his speech, "Though they are no longer with me, I know they have been watching."
All the best to my grandparents!
Way better ideas
Has anyone got way better ideas than starting a new day by waking up in every morning from the snooze alarm?
Getting a Robot companion
Getting a Robot companion for your life. Have you ever thought of it before? It sounds like a dream.But many
scientists are making this dream come true.
I came across a news this afternoon, stating that one can eventually buy a Robot partner and can even
customerize him/ or her. He/She would possibly have as many as 5 models of moods, on which you can choose.
He/She could only do many housework for you, but also chat with you on many topics you are interested in.
And what's more attractive, she/he could even have sex with you. That's something amazing!
Now the scientists are working on the Robots, so that they could not only look more like human beings,but
also think and act more like human beings.
Guess what! All the cost to get such a Robot to your home is only $7000. I think the market must be huge.
Now, tell me, do you want a partner like that?
Jazz's getting easier to my ears
These days, I've been trying Jazz, a style which I was not really big on. Guess what! I'm getting hooked
on it. Like the old saying goes: not all feelings are born. (doubt whether it is old, or even it's a saying).
Running a small cafee or restaurant, playing music I've collect so far, that could be a good idea to try.
I'd like to share my taste with others,and wish they could enjoy them like me.
Now ask yourself a question: Do you really wanna run a restaurant? , and if the answer is yes, ask
yourself again: Why do you wanna it? Keep asking yourself the same question no more than 5 times,
and you'll get to root. And for a lot of ocassions, the root cause is often not that serious as you started
to think, or at least not that urgent.
**, what are you talking about? Making gas talk again?
Like a pain on the ass
The thought of purchasing a new apartment in downtown has been like a pain on the ass,torturing me around.
And I just couldn't sit well with it.
I'm perfectly aware of the craziness of the current price. But this idea just keeps hassling me about. I question
myself: Do you really need it? Urgently? Can you live without it?
When a door closes, a window opens. What the hell is to do with that?
What a wonderful world it is!
I see green trees and blue sky, I see red flowers and white cloud. I can't help yelling to myself:
What a wonderful world it is! What a nice dream it was!
With more autos, the city is getting more crowded. But most people would rather sit and waste
their time in looooooong quenes of the jam instead of choosing a public traffic. They don't really
give a damn on the "global warming" or "emission of carbon dioxide". It seems so far away from
I came across a mid-aged man,sitting in an old shabby car, brand of Cherry or something.He
was putting up on the accelerator pad at a desperate fight. Obviously he was warming his car up.
As a result, I was choked out of breath by the black smoke discharged by his old car.
Guess what. The damn thing was that he was still sucking a cigarette inside the car,
rather enjoying it. Some things and some people are really fuck'em, aha?
value of exercise
More supporting evidences have been found on the value of exercise to the health.
Though the reasons may be complex and manifold, one thing is for sure. Less move
does not help with your body, esp. when you get aged.
I've been insisting jogging for a while, and I don't take lifts often. I think I believe in
the truth that I'm just depositing in my body bank.
I bet the last thing a senior citizen would want is that he/she get partially or wholly
physical disabled when he/she gets old. So getting some exercises now and today
persistently would hopefully decrease the possibilities of that, and make your life
journey more enjoyable.
If you haven't started exercising yet, and happen to come across this short message,
would it be a wake-up call to you?
Life is universal. And running water never gets frozen.
The early bird
There's any old saying goes like this: The early birds catch the worms. Later on, there showed up many different
versions. Many "working little" would rather believe that they are the worms caught by the birds.
Well, the reason I'm recalling this is that: I've got a neighbor. He raises about 5 or 6 birds. And his birds are really
early. They begin the chorus at about 4:30 a.m. every morning. And recently they have been giving me a trouble in
sleeping. Maybe that's the "better" way to start up a new day by being woken by the birds, instead of by the alarm
clock. One of them has been giving me a real hard time coz it's been always singing in one tune. She never thought
about changing a new song. And the worse is that she has got the biggest voice.
But one thing is for sure: Though they are early birds, they never catch the worms coz they are caged birds.
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