加拿大进出口外贸请教专业英语高手帮忙翻译保密协议内容 very urgent!!!


请教高手帮忙翻译保密协议内容  very urgent!!!

1.The recipient shall permit access to the confidential information only to its employees that reasonably need to know such information for the purpose described in section 4 of this agreement. The recipient shall require all such employees who have access to any confidential information to execute a written confidentiality agreement that protects such information at least to the same extent as provded in this agreement prior to any such access.

2.This agreement imposes no obligation upon the recipient with respect to confidentila information that the recipient can show by written records: a) was in the possession of the recipient before receipt from the discloser b)was generaaly known to the public prior to the effective date o this agreement; c) has become generally known to the public after the effective date of this agreement other than as result of disclosure of other action by the recipient or any of its employees or agents; or d) is rightfully received by the recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality to the discloser

Thanks for your kind help

Msn: [email protected]
QQ: 576393006

1.The recipient shall permit access to the confidential information only to its employees that reasonably need to know such information for the purpose described in section 4 of this agreement. The recipient shall require all such employees who have access to any confidential information to execute a written confidentiality agreement that protects such information at least to the same extent as provded in this agreement prior to any such access.

2.This agreement imposes no obligation upon the recipient with respect to confidentila information that the recipient can show by written records: a) was in the possession of the recipient before receipt from the discloser b)was generaaly known to the public prior to the effective date o this agreement; c) has become generally known to the public after the effective date of this agreement other than as result of disclosure of other action by the recipient or any of its employees or agents; or d) is rightfully received by the recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality to the discloser

Thanks for your kind help

Msn: [email protected]
QQ: 576393006

[ 本帖最后由 漫步苍穹 于 2008-5-16 15:43 编辑 ]

1        接收方应仅允许那些有必要接触协议第4章内容的员工接触保密信息, 并且要求授权员工在接触保密信息或资讯前签署书面保密协议.
2        在如下情况下, 接收方由于可出示书面证明而不用承担为“资讯”保密的义务:
1)        在收到披露方资讯前已经有保密信息的拥有权;
2)        在协议签署生效期前已对大众公开
3)        在协议签署生效期后因披露方雇员或代理对大众公开, 除了因接收方披露或其它行为导致;
4)        有接受方从第三方以正当权利接收, 并且对披露方无保密责任;


A. 接受方在从披露方得到该信息前就已掌握;
B. 在本协议到期前已为公众普遍所知的信息;
C. 在本协议到期后为公众普遍所知,但不是由于接受方或其任何雇员、代理人的其它行为披露的结果;
D. 接受方正当地从第三方获得,对披露方无保密责任的;

1        接收方应仅允许那些有必要接触协议第4章内容的员工接触保密信息, 并且要求授权员工在接触保密信息或资讯前签署书面保密协议.
2.        在如下情况下, 接收方由于可出示书面证明而不用承担为“资讯”保密的义务:
1)        在收到披露方资讯前已经有保密信息的拥有权;
2)        在协议签署生效期前已对大众公开
3)        在协议签署生效期后因披露方雇员或代理对大众公开, 除了因接收方披露或其它行为导致;
4)        有接受方从第三方以正当权利接收, 并且对披露方无保密责任;


A. 接受方在从披露方得到该信息前就已掌握;
B. 在本协议到期前已为公众普遍所知的信息;
C. 在本协议到期后为公众普遍所知,但不是由于接受方或其任何雇员、代理人的其它行为披露的结果;
D. 接受方正当地从第三方获得,对披露方无保密责任的;

Good Job!

Thanks for your kind help.

.The recipient shall permit access to the confidential information only to its employees that reasonably need to know such information for the purpose described in section 4 of this agreement. The recipient shall require all such employees who have access to any confidential information to execute a written confidentiality agreement that protects such information at least to the same extent as provded in this agreement prior to any such access.

2.This agreement imposes no obligation upon the recipient with respect to confidentila information that the recipient can show by written records: a) was in the possession of the recipient before receipt from the discloser b)was generaaly known to the public prior to the effective date o this agreement; c) has become generally known to the public after the effective date of this agreement other than as result of disclosure of other action by the recipient or any of its employees or agents; or d) is rightfully received by the recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality to the discloser

Thanks for your kind help

A. 接受方在从披露方得到该信息前就已掌握;
B. 在本协议到期前已为公众普遍所知的信息;
C. 在本协议到期后为公众普遍所知,但不是由于接受方或其任何雇员、代理人的其它行为披露的结果;
D. 接受方正当地从第三方获得,对披露方无保密责任的;
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