大家新年好!我们是做出口的,年前我跟一埃及客户在谈一份2011年的整年购销合同,合同发过去了,他发回来以下信息,我想问,里面他说的open draft 90 days 是不是就是D/A 90 天?可是我们只打算跟他做L/C,虽然他之前有下过单,但是远期付款非信用证和埃及的形势都让人不放心哪~我是在昨天的电视新闻报道里,看到埃及亚历山大发生了一起恐怖袭击,想起这正是客户所在的城市,就给客户发了一封邮件询问一下安全的状况,结果客户回复的邮件里就顺便提及了合同的事情:Thanks for your kind attention.
I am ok but so sad for what happened because we never expected something like this as we are living in egypt in a very peaceful life. We believe that what happened is like politics games.
Any way I would like to inform you that I reviewed your contract and it is accepted in all the issues except the payment terms as we accept only open draft 90 days not L/C as we have to cover the total value of the L/C according to the new banking regulations in Egypt. Please confirm in order to finalize the contract.
[ 本帖最后由 garkukangta 于 2011-1-3 15:01 编辑 ]
1、尽可能核实是否有这样的新规定as we have to cover the total value of the L/C according to the new banking regulations in Egypt
2、如实,可向BOSS申请负担部分the total value
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