鹿泉山位于平头镇山底村,临307国道,是寿阳县最高峰所在,也叫长寿山、鹿儿神山,海拔1720米,自然资源丰 富、生态环境优美、传说是老寿星得道飞仙之地,景区集中国寿文华大观于一体,是休闲、避暑、养生乐园。[ 本帖最后由 artemis0419 于 2011-1-4 11:06 编辑 ]
deer foutain mount,famous for its longevity culture in china,is a paradise for
relaxation,summer resort,and enjoying natural healthy living condition,lies in shandi viliage, pingtou town,shouyang county,close to 307 national highway,1720 meters high, is the highest mountain of the county,also called longevity mountain or deer god mountain,because it is said the god of long life has been lived here and found his way to become god in this place,rich in natural resource and have beautiful ecological environment.
鹿泉山位于平头镇山底村,临307国道,是寿阳县最高峰所在,也叫长寿山、鹿儿神山,海拔1720米,自然资源丰 富、生态环境优美、传说是老寿星得道飞仙之地,景区集中国寿文华大观于一体,是休闲、避暑、养生乐园。
Luquan Mountain,closed to 307 national highway, locate in the Shandi villege in Pingtou town,where is the peak of Shouyang county,also called Changshou Mountain or Deer Mountain.The elevation of Luquan mountain is 1720m,which has abundant nature resource,graceful entironment and it is said the Luqiao mountain is the place of person with long life become immortal.The beauty spot ,focus on the Chinese Life culture,is the garden of entertainment,summer,relaxation.
so poor english,just FYI.
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