加拿大进出口外贸When I know things meant for me


When i know things are not meant for me, I learn to let go..it doesnt mean im weak but im just showing how strong i am to fight the urge of wanting something im not suposed to have" Its hurt to miss someone who doesnt know how to miss u..Its hurt to love someone who doesnt love u back, but most of all..its hurt when you've learned to keep them but they are not even yours..so painful right?...  I despise people that were once your friends then you suddenly realize how fake they are after being sooo good to them,but then again i guess that it's their loss and one day they will realize what great friends they could have had..i don't like poeple that are jealous of their own friends and can't be happy when something good happens.... I have a lot of detractors. People hate me and at the same time envied me. For what reason? That I don’t know...If you're go and ask If Im discreet, the answer is yes....to give more explaination on that, I act decent coz Im a very decent.

What's this?!
Could anyone teach me Tagalog? I'd like to talk to Bernie in Tagalog...

Man, again, why do you always stick to these ** things? You are girlish than i am i have to say.

Be a man, man! Come on!

are you a gay???? I am straight....


Gay or straight, whatever, that's not the point!

I just want to say, your english sucks! Really sucks! :Q
I am not saying how good i am (because i am not), but...when i read your words :Q , god......it...it................why? Why? Why do you always make things complicated, man?? Not just your english, your thoughts too...all unbelievable  unbelievable complicated!

Like you said, many people hate you, many? Hate? Envy?? oh come on, really??? God, there must be something wrong with their eyes!
Bernie, i don't hate you, i never hate! But...please don't be so negative! I don't think you are that great for others to envy, sorry.

Hope you get more love here, and i am sure you'll.



what make you sucks my english?


He thinks this problem are ungelivable


All I saw is a boring, crazy man of deep self-pity, not knowing what is the real world and phiscally, mentally
out of control of his pathetic little love, making a fuss about his imaginary going-ons, and plus that it SUCKS!!

Probably he's so gay to be frank about his romance! you know what i mean...

[ 本帖最后由 milo041 于 2011-1-8 23:41 编辑 ]

A person's background has a lot to do with his thoughts and actions. If you always feel helpless, try think outside the box. Take yourself out of the deep hole. Man, you are thinking about yourself too much. You are not a bigshot. You are just a piece of the puzzle for the company.

oh  my god milo....you make your own justification...you dont even know the cause of the conflict...you are so judgemental. You make me asshole!!!

[ 本帖最后由 st.future 于 2011-1-11 20:06 编辑 ]


thanks for the advice


you know i was kidding...relax..

i donnot know what could i say and my english is poor  ,but i think no matter what happened you should placed good intention condition,ok,come on!

your english is very good   中国式英语

what is going on
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