帮我看看,这个客人的采购条款好多,不需要很精确的翻译,但是帮我看看有没有对我不利的,还有就是这个客人不需要签字盖章的,这样可以吗?TERMS & CONDITIONS
1.All orders shall be in writing and shall be recognized by the company only when they are signed by such officers authorized forthis purpose we accept no responsibility for the payment of an invoice for which an official order has
not been issued.
2.Delivery shall be effected by the seller on the dates stipulated and shall be accepted only for the total quantity in terms of the orders. If however a part delivery of the total quantity is accepted the balance quantity will stand to be
cancelled unless otherwise instructed.
3.Should the goods or any portion thereof, due to unavoidable reasons be likely to be delivered late the seller shall give notice thereof in writing before the due date and it shall be optional on the part of the company to notify to the
seller if the company would accept such over due goods.
4.The Company shall have the right to cancel any portion or thereof or postpone delivery of the goods owing directly or indirectly to unavoidable causes or any circumstances beyond the company and the seller will not be entitle
any compensation whatsoever.
5.If on inspection of the goods all or any part thereof, in the company is found to be not in conformity with the terms of the order, the company will be at liberty to reject all such portion not in conformity with the terms of the order.
6.Prices are free delivery at the factory unless otherwise expressly provided for in the order.
7.Original bills or advice of delivery shall be submitted before or along with the arrival of goods in the company's premises. The company shall not be bound to accept any goods in respect of which the above document have not
been sent as aforesaid with the goods.
8.Payment will be made as indicated in the order.
9.Claims, if any as regards the quantity or otherwise of the goods delivered will be submitted to the seller within fourteen (14) days from the date of delivery provided that in respect of goods which are so packed as it is not
practicable to ascertain and examine the contents immediately. The company shall be entitled to submit claims if any, within seven (07) days from the date when the packages are opened. Payment regarding goods in respect of
which claims are made will be postponed till one week after decision on the claims are agreed upon.
10.In the case of purchase of an outsider's service it is the responsibility of the supplier to provide valid workers compensation insurance policy covering all his personnel working in our premises..conformity with the terms of the
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