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深圳市华永茂电子有限公司为IWATT品牌,BCD品牌,MPS品牌代理分销商,美国iWatt公司全系列电源IC,产品主要应用于1-40W以内充电器、适配器以及LED灯用隔离式AC/DC恒流驱动电源。iWatt通过显著减少零件的数量,让交流/直流适配器变得容易设计、调试及制造。整体减低成本和提高可靠程度。iWatt公司全系列电源IC主要用于其普通和调光LED射灯、球泡灯、PAR灯及LED日光灯项目。iWatt 将全球环境保护视为人类 21 世纪面临的重大问题。公司这一系列IC必将为全球新一代节能环保LED灯的开发和普及带来益处。iWatt 致力于设计具有最小功耗、最少元件数目和最高功率转换效率的产品。以便减少化石燃料消耗、减少制造不必要的元件所花费的能源并降低整体成本。我们相信作为一个优秀的企业公民,我们必须积极参与到保护环境创建可持续发展社会的行业倡议中。欢迎新老客户来电、来函查询,我们珍惜与您的每一次的交流合作,并希望和各界同仁一起参与到保护环境创建可持续发展,共展宏图

Brand agents and distributors, the U.S. company a full range of power iwatt ic, 1-40w product is mainly used within the charger, Adapter and LED lights with isolated AC/ DC constant current drive .Iwatt by a significant reduction in the number of parts, So AC / DC adapter becomes easy to design, Debug and manufacture.Reduce costs and improve overall reliability. Iwatt full range of power supply ic company is mainly used for its ordinary and dimming LED lighting, bulb, PAR  lamp, LED fluorescent lamp project .Iwatt to global environmental protection as a human major issues facing the 21st century. IC companies will this series a new generation of energy saving for the global development and popularity of led lights bring benefits .Iwatt designs with minimal power consumption, Minimal component count and highest efficiency of power conversion products .In order to reduce fossil fuel consumption, Reduce the cost of unnecessary elements and reduce the overall cost of energy .We believe that as a good corporate citizen, We must actively participate in environmental protection industry to create a sustainable community initiatives .Welcome to the new and old customers call, Letter inquiries, We cherish and you every exchanges and cooperation, And hope and all my colleagues involved in the protection of the environment together to create sustainable development, The grand total

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