Basically my idea is to check the possibility to have an Artificial Leather (expanded PVC with a scrim on the back)similar to the one used on the car seats/sofas at a very competitive price.
I have a market here for a second choice material however as our first quality/price is very high so the second quality is also.
My idea is to search to buy materials somewhere in the world where it will be possible to achieve the prices I have here
for the second choice materials.
The quality is not relevant. No specifications. I need also only one color black and one grain.
然后我报了个我们的产品的价格给他 他又回复了下面这封
Honestly I am looking for cheap materials.
As I have told you we need to compete with 2nd quality materials here in Europe.
Taking this in consideration we need a heavy material and a cheap price.
Have such kind of material? Our expectation is to buy 1 40ft container per month.
Please let me have your comments.
我实在看不懂到底讲的什么意思 拜托了 告诉
就是东西要重价格要便宜 他们每个月要一个40尺柜的货
就是说价格要好 东西要重 他们要跟对手竞争啊
He need first grade material with second grade price.
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