Attached are our specification sheets showing you the necessary informationthat should be enough to be able to quote on making our products in China for our Plastics products.
The attachment shows size, weights, pack, quantities (yearly) and the price
of which we are currently paying so that are negotiations can speed up and limit the bargain back
and forth.
Molds, generally we pay for the molds. Once we reach the first year annual committment,
then we historically get refunded back the mold cost. Additionally, since we are paying for the
molds, you may wish to consider multi-cavity molds to increase production time, decrease machine
run time and decrease labor.
Please remember, there must be a reason for us to change from our current
source and that would be price. However, we also need constant quality of
which would be agreed upon and shipments on time and completeness of
purchase orders.
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2011-3-9 21:08 编辑 ]
LZ 这样不行 你要把EMAIL地址贴出来 才知道
2 楼说的 很靠谱。。。
1. 附件里有详细规格要求, 请报价.
2. 客户会付开模费, 但达到一定数量希望能够返还.
3. 客户要求质优价廉.
菜鸟我来尝试翻译,趁机查查字典学习学习 :
Attached are our specification sheets showing you the necessary information
that should be enough to be able to quote on making our products in China for our Plastics products.
The attachment shows size, weights, pack, quantities (yearly) and the price
of which we are currently paying so that are negotiations can speed up and limit the bargain back
and forth.
Molds, generally we pay for the molds. Once we reach the first year annual committment,
then we historically get refunded back the mold cost. Additionally, since we are paying for the
molds, you may wish to consider multi-cavity molds to increase production time, decrease machine
run time and decrease labor.
Please remember, there must be a reason for us to change from our current
source and that would be price. However, we also need constant quality of
which would be agreed upon and shipments on time and completeness of
purchase orders.
不过,我们仍需要始终如一的质量和及时的出运日期(应该是in time)和完全的采购订单(偶迷惑ing)
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