1.I swear 我发誓2.I will never fail you again 我绝不会再让你失望了
3.Don't ever do that to me again 别在这样吓我了
4.You're grounded for the rest of your life 你这一辈子都不允许出门了
5.I'm not technically breaking any of his rules 严格意义上说, 我并没有违反它的禁令
6.I couldn't take a step inside the door 我不能再踏入你们家门口一步 I come in through the window
7.Because i honestly don't know how to live without you 因为我实在不知道没有你我该怎么活下去
8.You don't get rid of me 你再也无法摆脱我了
9.I know how much i'm asking for 我请求过很多次了
10.I already consider you my sister 我早已把你当成亲姐妹了
11.Why are you doing this to me ? 你们为什么要这样对我
12.You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice 失去了她,你也选择自尽,这让我别无选择
13.But i want to say something to you first , if that's all right ? 但是我想先跟你说些话, 可以吗?
14.I'm not gonna leave her side until she orders me away 我会一直陪在她身边,除非她赶走我
15.What key point ? 最关键的是什么?
16.But if i choose it , it has nothing to do with you . 但这是我的选择,与你们无关。
17.Get out of here 走开
18.You can't hurt each other without hurting me 除非先伤了我,否则都别想伤害对方。
19.You're so stubborn 你真固执
20.What are you waiting for ? 你在等什么呢?
21.I have one condition if you want me to do it myself 如果你想让我亲自来、、我有一个条件
22.You just don't belong in my world 你不属于我的世界 I belong with you 我属于你
23.You don't want me ? 你不要我了?
24.But if it's not too much to ask , can you just promise me something ? 如果你不嫌我过分,你能像我保证一点吗
25.Don't do anything reckless ,For charlie's sake . 不要去做鲁莽的事, 就看在查理的份上
26.And I'll promise something to you in return ,This is the last time you'll ever see me . 我也向你保证一点,这是你最后一次见到我。
27.You can go on with your life without any interference from me 你可以继承自己的生活, 不再受我的干扰
It will be like i never existed , I promise 这就如同、、、我从未存在过 , 我保证
看NIKITA 记住了一句话
the 1st good is looking good. 大家好才是真的好。
It's good ,I like
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