加拿大进出口外贸stories in factory


our factory has been established three years since 2008 when global economy was encountered freezing winter which is long term and now is still under the shadow of negativeness.As i known,the boss made a amazing decision that others daren't to do like that.Our factory was under construction though many people think it would face many difficulties which are uncertain to foresee.After all,the success tend to these people who are brave to break up with normal customs and thoughts.What a coincidence it is, the boss is just the one who don't like betting in normal logic.It is against global financial storm our factory is expanding quickly throughout 2008 to now.Now its production-scale have been up to 10000pcs per month,each one who don't agree with the boss is convinced he is different with others because making a right decision.
actually,above are just a simple story in Shenzhen where the amazing happens every day.I needn't to write the story that is similar with others,but many commons there have every want to be successful,summarized those are insistence,braveness,efforts,and one is most valuable and is easy to ignore that is how to be a good man.
Oh,babe,i am loquacious again,so simple story even take me half an hour that is largely out of my imagination.Fell not so bad these days staying in factory,many workmates regard me as their friend,and i am happy to be their friend that bring me uncountless happiness.

[ 本帖最后由 shunyi.xu 于 2011-4-1 20:53 编辑 ]

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