“Please send our order end of next” 到底是什么意思啊? 是要把订单取消的意思吗?以下是原文做为参考。
Dear Jason,
Sorry for my late reply, I was out of the country. I attended IDS and spent some days on holiday. My son was the one who placed the order while I was away. He thought if he will order using his name you will not honor the order, this is why he used my account.
I checked his order and I noticed that the quantity he ordered is a lot much more than what we need. I understood that you have prepared the items he ordered but I need to ask you a favor. Please send our order end of next because I can only send our payment next week Wednesday.
Sorry for the delay, since I arrived we planned our payments accordingly to our suppliers.
你想太多了, next后面丢了个词, 问回你的客人, next monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? or next year? Next life?
最后一句, 忽略吧, 他说他们是按照供应商的发货期来付款的.
学习一下 ,客户马虎一下,都能把我们急死了~ 一般这情况 我会先去一封邮件 问问清楚,呵呵~~没有人比客户更了解他自己的意思嘛
加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目 加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo
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