有点看不懂了,麻烦大侠帮忙翻译下:Thank you for prompt reply. I really appreciate your professionalism.
Interest in finding on/off-line solutions for a system that manages electric cylinders in low cost implementation which could produce interest in this market.
At this point in our market is create preparatory tasks that should bring more progression in the hospitality industry.
Thus we see an opportunity in this market to the standardization of the forthcoming offer different segments of the technical solutions that can fit into the impoverished budgets.
The reality is that crisis has markedly affected all aspects of society. My contact hopefully should be very soon available to startup influence on the market and my intention is in the moment to find the quality supplier and more quality solutions. Since we are operate with many banks here are freely to offer these products to office space too, especially as a subsequent decision without cable works, etc.
Interest in finding on/off-line solutions for a system that manages electric cylinders in low cost implementation which could produce interest in this market.
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