哪位大侠可以帮忙翻译一下,我们是做液压管件的原件:At the moment this enquiry is stopped, the customer initiatly had to
assembly 1" couplings in 1.1/2" hoses, however they are thinking to change
all to 1.1/2".
I am not sure if we'll have to offer the 1.1/2" fittings but I can try to
I'll appreciate you send me the offer for them in Male 1.1/2" BSP - Male
1.1/2" BSP.
Quantity will be 6000 in 12 / 12 months, probably they'll order in bath of
500 / 1000.
原始客户是询问 1B-16-20 1" BSP - 1.1/2" BSP 的价格,现在他的意思是要改为 1B-16-20 Male 1.1/2" BSP - Male
1.1/2" BSP.?
数量上面写的 6000 in 12 / 12 months 是什么意思呢,谢谢了!!!
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