“请确认你们到底需要哪个配件,XX or DD?另外,附件是截止到2010年12月我们发给你们的免费样品清单,请确认并尽快返还给我们,如无法返还,我们可以折价卖给你们!”请大家帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢!
Pls confirm which part do you need?otherwise,we sent you the free sample list which were delivered before Dec 2010,pls check the attachment and return them to us asap.If samples can't be returned ,we'd like to sell at cutrate prices to you.
[ 本帖最后由 Susan408 于 2011-5-30 14:44 编辑 ]
Please kindly confirm which fitting you want, XX or DD?
By the way, please kindly check the attachment of the free sampls we send you untill 12 sep. 2010. If you can not return us, we would like to sell them to you with discount.
Please make a selection of parts from XX and DD. Enclosed please find the attachment of detailed list, which includes all the samples sent to you before December,2010. We'd like you to confirm and return them to us as soon as possible. If it is not convenient for you to send these samples back to us, we might give a discount to sell them to you.
Please confirm what kind of accessories you wish,XX or DD. And our deadline is Dec.2010. By the way, we have sent a free sample list,please confirm and return to us. If you couldnt return, we will give some discount for you.
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