




[ 本帖最后由 Alice-lw 于 2011-6-13 11:13 编辑 ]


"49 inches, 56 inch, and 77 inches samples have been done at any time will be able to deliver, but 100 inches. We do product upgrades (appearance and size unchanged, the main perfect local details), is expected to to early July can provide samples and mass production, and upgrade the product quality after will be more perfect. We suggest that we start the finished samples, 100 inches in early July hair.

About the last five units, you mentioned the problem products, our product manager said just replace shell and article metal still is no good, also need to replace, internal die attachment in the picture arrow part need to replace, and if no professional operation guidance and equipment may not complete replacement, so need to return to factory replacement. Considering the quantity is less, return factory replacement cost is higher, we suggest that you can be on sale (per cheap 5-10 USD), some of the costs in a subsequent we discount for orders to you. "


The samples of 49 inch, 56 inch, and 77 inch have been finished and will be able to deliver at any time,while regarding the 100 inches it is still upgrading(the appearance and size of the product will be unchanged, our main aim is to improve some of the parts), it is estimated that we will able to offer you the sample as well as go mass production in early July,after upgrading the quality,this product will be much more perfect than before.We recommend that we firstly send you those sample that have already been produced,and to send you those 100inch in early July.
Concerning problems you've mentioned regarding the previous 5 pieces of product,our manager said that it is not enough to replace shell and metal strips,the inner mould also need to be changed.Attached please find a picture all the things where we marked with arrows need to be replaced totally.Without operation guidance and equipments,complete replacement may unable to be carried out,that's why it needs to return to factory for replacement.Considering the quantity is little,the fee of replacement in factory will be much expensive,we suggest you to go on sale (you may reduce per piece by$5-$10),and we will compensate you those discounts in the follow-up orders.

[ 本帖最后由 ciel2 于 2011-6-14 13:39 编辑 ]



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:o :o

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