Information from supplier:Please answer my questions
1. Are you manufacture ?
2. 2. Do you work already with someone in Russia?
3. 3. If Yeas -than which agreement you already have?
4. 4. If No – than are you looking for representative distributor company in Russia?
5. 5. Are you ready to share the spending on registration and certification?
(The registration and certification should be done on our company name.)
6. 6. Tell us about your company.
7. 7. What’s the minimal price on your Pregnancy Strip Tests per one?
8. 8. What’s the price will be for 50 000 -75000 Tests (per one shipment)
9. 9. Which packing variations for the product you have?
10. 10.Give us Photos of product in different packing. And price for a product in different packing.
11. 11.What are the objectives, to achieve sales, you put a front of potential exclusive distributor in Russia?
-。- 这是一个问卷调查。。
正常呀平时都有这种询表,还有保密 秘协议多得是了
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