ABC COMPANY will be imposing a specification not to exceed 1,000 part per million (ppm) for each phthalate DEHP, DBP, and BBP in accessible components of polyvinyl chloride (“PVC”), vinyl, soft plastic, or synthetic leather in any of the following products:ABC COMPANY shall not purchase, import or take delivery of any product (referenced above) that exceeds the 1,000 ppm per phthalate specification. Any such products will be subject to rejection if their accessible PVC, vinyl, soft plastic, or synthetic leather components do not meet, our new 1,000 ppm/each specifications for DEHP, BBP and DBP phthalates as set forth above.
楼主,ABC公司要求提供的PVC,等相关塑料产品内像另苯二甲酸酯等那些个增塑剂含量不能超过1,000 ppm,要是超标了人家就不要了。我看大概就是这意思。
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