

This Week's Tip:
Here's How You Will Sell More
Than Ever in 2009


Do you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and
making excuses for their performance?

Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties.

Oh sure, there's no denying that the current economic environment
could be better. But, when the weather is bad, do you say, "Oh,
the weather's bad. I can't go outside today, or do my job." I doubt it.

The successes in life adapt to their environment. They make changes.
They act. I bet that is you.

And just like we need to regularly work on our physical health to stay
in shape, we need to do the same with our mental and "sales health"
to perform at peak levels.

At my regular meeting of Master Speakers International, I sat down
with one of the top experts in the world on peak performance and
motivation, my friend Dr. Alan Zimmerman. I asked Alan what
salespeople need to do, right now, to keep their attitudes high
and outsell the competition.

Here are his common-sense, on-target answers. First, on attitude:

1. Refuse to blame anyone or anything for sales problems.
Blaming anything outside of yourself doesn't change anything. All
blame can do is keep you stuck or make you spiteful, neither of which
will turn you into a winner. Ever wonder why one salesperson prospers
while another suffers in the same situation? The answer is simple:
The suffering salesperson wastes his time on blame, while the
prospering salesperson is investing her time, learning how to get
better at what she does.

What are you doing, right now, to get better?

2. Refuse to use a loser's language.
The most successful, and I might add, the happiest salespeople,
refuse to use a loser's language. They know that words precede results.
They know if they talk like a loser, they'll end up losing. George Schultz,
the former U.S. Secretary of State said, "The minute you start talking
about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost."

The salesperson who will not acknowledge defeat cannot be defeated.
That person is guaranteed to win in the long run. It's a given.

It's like the little boy who walked onto the baseball practice field
saying, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." He threw up the ball,
swung, missed, and said, "Strike one." He threw up the ball again,
and once more he swung and missed, and said, "Strike two." He
did that for three strikes in a row.

At that point he picked up his bat and ball. With a smile on his face,
he walked off the field and said, "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world."

He refused to use the language of a loser. He only talked about winning,
and so should you.

The research is quite clear. The more you talk about failing to meet
your sales goals, the more negative your attitude will become. And
the more negative your attitude becomes, the poorer results will be.
It's a vicious downward cycle that you must refuse to enter.

What language do you use when you talk to yourself and others
about your performance, effort, and outlook on life?

3. Choose to believe in yourself.
Even though you may have some doubts about your sales abilities,
even though the balance sheet of your life may show more liabilities
than assets, you've got to believe in yourself. Sugar Ray Robinson,
the boxing champ, said, "To be a champ, you have to believe in
yourself when nobody else will."

If that sounds easier said than done, all you have to do is start
affirming it. Tell yourself twenty times a day, a hundred times a day,
"I like myself. I believe in myself. And I am a great salesperson."

Eventually your subconscious mind will start to accept your affirmation,
and you will believe in yourself. (By the way, the cynics laugh and
make fun of this. Just ask them what their sales results are, though.)

In addition to working on your attitude, according to Dr. Zimmerman,
there are a few things we need to do to keep selling during tough times:

1. Work hard. If someone were to follow you around for a week
and painstakingly recorded everything you did to advance your sales
career, would that person walk away with a long list of all the things
you're doing to get ahead? Or would that person have a long list
of the excuses you gave and the times you wasted?

Sometimes people fool themselves into thinking they're putting
out 100% effort, when in reality, they're not.

For example, many salespeople aren't doing too well these days,
and Alan often hears  them say, "I sent out 100 flyers announcing
our new product line, and I didn't get any response. I did everything
I could." Oh really? How about picking up the phone more?

One hundred percent effort means that you've exhausted every
possible opportunity for reaching your goal. If you're looking for a
sale, 100% effort would include researching individual companies
that are a great fit for your product or service, sending these
companies personalized letters, and calling to follow up with
intelligent, company-specific questions, not to mention networking,
referrals, and a host of other selling strategies.

2. Practice endurance.
To many salespeople, "endurance" is a nasty word. They would
like to come by success the "easy" way. They want it to fall into
their laps.

But that's an extremely rare occurrence. 99.99% of the time,
success comes AFTER you "endure" awhile. And all the greats
in every field of endeavor have learned how to "endure."

As professional tennis player Bjorn Borg noted, "My greatest
point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However
down I am ? I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows
that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats
into victories."

Could the same be said of you? That you never give up?
That you endure?

Or do people, secretly behind your back, say you bail out
when things get a little tough? Do they say you give up way
too easily or throw in the towel too quickly? Do they point
out the fact that you seldom finish what you start?

If you answer "yes" to any of these latter questions,
remember the words of John Quincy Adams. He noted,

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

In other words, there's power in perseverance.

3. Stay committed.
Everything else being equal, commitment wins every time.
So fight back any feelings of discouragement that might
get in your way. Don't allow yourself to hang it up when
things get rough.

If you're going to be successful, you've got to remember
the letters M.I.H., just like that one high school wrestler.
During his Junior year he won the second place trophy
in the state championships.

Now he could have thought that was good enough.

But the day after the state finals, he was back in the same
old gym working out in the same old sweats with one small
change. He had placed white tape on each of his three
middle fingers, and on each piece of tape was a letter: M.I.H.

He kept the letters on his fingers all year, and he trained
harder than ever, until he again found himself at the state
tournament. This time he was crowned state champion.

Of course people wanted to know how he did it. He created
a tool that helped him focus, stay the course, and keep up
his commitment. He knew that if he really wanted to be the
best, it was up to him. He was determined to Make It Happen.

As you pursue your goals, as you strive towards greater
sales success, follow these four points, and you will not only
survive, but thrive. After all, most salespeople don't fail. They
just give up.

Alan has so much great self-development material to share
that I asked him what else he would suggest for my readers.
He suggested his "12 Little-Known Keys To Extraordinary
Success  On And Off The Job."  Awesome stuff. To see
them, click on http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?af=516819
then on the left side menu bar and choose "2-Day Journey."

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
Marcus Aurelius  

Go and have your best week ever!




第一期,08-01-11:你想成为富翁吗?   (批改参考见23、24楼)
第二期,08-01-23:每天你都在应试找工作   (批改参考见6、7楼)
第三期,08-01-25:2008年开门红:轻松销售 (批改参考见12楼)
第四期:08-02-01:客户喜爱你,他们就会给你金钱   (批改参考见10、11楼)
第五期:08-02-07:名人也曾经失败过   (批改参考见10楼)
第六期:08-02-16:不要把利润白白送走 (批改参考见5楼)
第七期:08-02-21:真诚地说:你好吗?  (批改参考见8楼)
第八期:08-02-29:你以为你已经有确定的潜在客户了吗?  (批改参考见5楼)
第十期:08-03-14:了解了关于客户的这一点,他们就会对你刮目相看  (批改参考见9、10楼)
第十一期:08-03-24:没有这个,你的成功机会将是零  (批改参考见7楼)
第十二期:08-03-30:空想愿望不如这个简单技巧来得有效  (批改参考见10楼)
第十三期:08-04-07:超级推销明星的惊人技巧   (批改参考见6、7楼)
第十四期:08-04-13:比达成交易更重要的是。。。。。。  (批改参考见7楼)
第十五期:08-04-19:避免愚蠢电话推销员所犯的错误  (批改参考见10楼)
第十六期:08-04-26:我想你。。。  (批改参考见5楼)
第十七期:08-05-05:别人恰好喜欢你这样来展示成功  (批改参考见5、6楼)
第十九期:08-05-19:从政治报道中学习  (批改参考见6、7楼)
第二十期:08-05-26:如何真正确定你获得了订单?  (批改参考见7楼)
第二十五期:08-07-01:我们失去了一位传奇人物和好朋友  (批改参考见3楼)
第二十六期:08-07-14:你在针对高层推销吗?  (批改参考见4楼)
第二十七期:08-07-25:你要像海滩老墨小贩那样与众不同  (批改参考见14楼)
第二十八期:08-08-08:避免愚蠢的提问  (批改参考见5、6楼)
第二十九期:05-08-14:全价销售,避免利润溜走! (批改参考见6楼)
第三十期:05-08-21:迈克尔菲尔普斯和你 (批改参考见5楼)
第四十期:08-11-02:如果你这么说,他们不会在乎 (批改参考见10楼)
第四十六期:08-12-05:你绝对会喜欢这个 (批改参考见5楼)


国内首部外贸开发信写作的专著《小小开发信 订单滚滚来》,上市近二月后,持续热销。目前在国内最大网络书店当当网上,获得社科书籍持续热销榜排行第9位!




This Week's Tip:
Here's How You Will Sell More
Than Ever in 2009


Do you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and
making excuses for their performance?
你认识一些这样的人吗? 他们总是不停在抱怨,发牢骚以及在为他们的表现找借口.

Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties.

Oh sure, there's no denying that the current economic environment
could be better. But, when the weather is bad, do you say, "Oh,
the weather's bad. I can't go outside today, or do my job." I doubt it.

The successes in life adapt to their environment. They make changes.
They act. I bet that is you.

And just like we need to regularly work on our physical health to stay
in shape, we need to do the same with our mental and "sales health"
to perform at peak levels.

At my regular meeting of Master Speakers International, I sat down
with one of the top experts in the world on peak performance and
motivation, my friend Dr. Alan Zimmerman. I asked Alan what
salespeople need to do, right now, to keep their attitudes high
and outsell the competition.
在我的那些与国际大师的定期会议中,我与我的朋友Alan Zimmerman博士坐在一起,在巅锋行动及动机学方面,他是世界上最顶级的专家之一.我询问了Alan,在现如今的情势下,销售人员应该做些什么以保持他们较高的情绪,得以在竞争中突出.

Here are his common-sense, on-target answers. First, on attitude:

1. Refuse to blame anyone or anything for sales problems.
Blaming anything outside of yourself doesn't change anything. All
blame can do is keep you stuck or make you spiteful, neither of which
will turn you into a winner. Ever wonder why one salesperson prospers
while another suffers in the same situation? The answer is simple:
The suffering salesperson wastes his time on blame, while the
prospering salesperson is investing her time, learning how to get
better at what she does.

What are you doing, right now, to get better?

2. Refuse to use a loser's language.
The most successful, and I might add, the happiest salespeople,
refuse to use a loser's language. They know that words precede results.
They know if they talk like a loser, they'll end up losing. George Schultz,
the former U.S. Secretary of State said, "The minute you start talking
about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost."
最成功的,我还可以加上说是,最快乐的销售人员他们拒绝使用失败者的语调.他们知道语言在结果之前.他们知道如果他们说话就如同个失败者一样,他们最后终将会失败.美国前秘书长George Schultz说:"如果你一开始谈论你即将要去做的事情,是以一种要失败的语调的话,那么,其实,你已经失败了."

The salesperson who will not acknowledge defeat cannot be defeated.
That person is guaranteed to win in the long run. It's a given.

It's like the little boy who walked onto the baseball practice field
saying, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." He threw up the ball,
swung, missed, and said, "Strike one." He threw up the ball again,
and once more he swung and missed, and said, "Strike two." He
did that for three strikes in a row.

At that point he picked up his bat and ball. With a smile on his face,
he walked off the field and said, "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world."

He refused to use the language of a loser. He only talked about winning,
and so should you.

The research is quite clear. The more you talk about failing to meet
your sales goals, the more negative your attitude will become. And
the more negative your attitude becomes, the poorer results will be.
It's a vicious downward cycle that you must refuse to enter.

What language do you use when you talk to yourself and others
about your performance, effort, and outlook on life?

3. Choose to believe in yourself.
Even though you may have some doubts about your sales abilities,
even though the balance sheet of your life may show more liabilities
than assets, you've got to believe in yourself. Sugar Ray Robinson,
the boxing champ, said, "To be a champ, you have to believe in
yourself when nobody else will."
3. 选择相信自己
即使你可能有一些怀疑你自己的销售能力,即使资产负债表表明,你的生活可能会出现资不抵债的情况,你也要相信自己。拳击冠军Sugar Ray Robinson说:“要成为冠军,即使在别人都不相信你的时候,你也必须要相信你自己。 ”

If that sounds easier said than done, all you have to do is start
affirming it. Tell yourself twenty times a day, a hundred times a day,
"I like myself. I believe in myself. And I am a great salesperson."

Eventually your subconscious mind will start to accept your affirmation,
and you will believe in yourself. (By the way, the cynics laugh and
make fun of this. Just ask them what their sales results are, though.)

In addition to working on your attitude, according to Dr. Zimmerman,
there are a few things we need to do to keep selling during tough times:

1. Work hard. If someone were to follow you around for a week
and painstakingly recorded everything you did to advance your sales
career, would that person walk away with a long list of all the things
you're doing to get ahead? Or would that person have a long list
of the excuses you gave and the times you wasted?
1. 努力工作.如果有个人一整个星期都是围在你旁边,煞费苦心的记录你所做的每一件事以推进你的销售生涯.当那个人走的时候,他拿着的那个长长的清单,记录的是关于你努力向前的事呢?还是记录的关于你不断给出的借口以及你浪费的时间呢?

Sometimes people fool themselves into thinking they're putting
out 100% effort, when in reality, they're not.

For example, many salespeople aren't doing too well these days,
and Alan often hears  them say, "I sent out 100 flyers announcing
our new product line, and I didn't get any response. I did everything
I could." Oh really? How about picking up the phone more?
举例来说,现在很多的销售人员并不是做得很好, Alan经常听见他们说:”我发了100份单子来宣传我们新的产品线,但我一个回复都没有收到.我已经做了我能做的一切了.”真的是这样吗?你有试过多打几通电话吗?

One hundred percent effort means that you've exhausted every
possible opportunity for reaching your goal. If you're looking for a
sale, 100% effort would include researching individual companies
that are a great fit for your product or service, sending these
companies personalized letters, and calling to follow up with
intelligent, company-specific questions, not to mention networking,
referrals, and a host of other selling strategies.

2. Practice endurance.
To many salespeople, "endurance" is a nasty word. They would
like to come by success the "easy" way. They want it to fall into
their laps.
2. 锻炼忍耐力.
对于很多销售人员来说,” 忍耐力”是一个让人讨厌的词.他们希望通过一个”简单容易”的方式达到成功.他们希望它(成功)能从天而降.

But that's an extremely rare occurrence. 99.99% of the time,
success comes AFTER you "endure" awhile. And all the greats
in every field of endeavor have learned how to "endure."
不过,那是极罕见的现象.99.99%的情况是,在你” 忍耐”了一段时间之后,成功才会到来.而且每一领域的伟大人物都学会了如何” 忍耐”.

As professional tennis player Bjorn Borg noted, "My greatest
point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However
down I am ? I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows
that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats
into victories."
如同职业网球选手Bjorn Borg指出的那样”我最大的特点就是我很有毅力.无论我处于多么不利的境地,我从来不会放弃比赛.我会一直战斗直到最后一个球.从我的比赛清单上可以看出,我逆转了很多场当时所谓的必输的比赛,最后获得了胜利.”

Could the same be said of you? That you never give up?
That you endure?

Or do people, secretly behind your back, say you bail out
when things get a little tough? Do they say you give up way
too easily or throw in the towel too quickly? Do they point
out the fact that you seldom finish what you start?

If you answer "yes" to any of these latter questions,
remember the words of John Quincy Adams. He noted,
如果对于后面的那些问题,你有一个的回答是”是”的话,那么你要记住John Quincy Adams的话.他指出,

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

In other words, there's power in perseverance.

3. Stay committed.
Everything else being equal, commitment wins every time.
So fight back any feelings of discouragement that might
get in your way. Don't allow yourself to hang it up when
things get rough.

If you're going to be successful, you've got to remember
the letters M.I.H., just like that one high school wrestler.
During his Junior year he won the second place trophy
in the state championships.

Now he could have thought that was good enough.

But the day after the state finals, he was back in the same
old gym working out in the same old sweats with one small
change. He had placed white tape on each of his three
middle fingers, and on each piece of tape was a letter: M.I.H.

He kept the letters on his fingers all year, and he trained
harder than ever, until he again found himself at the state
tournament. This time he was crowned state champion.

Of course people wanted to know how he did it. He created
a tool that helped him focus, stay the course, and keep up
his commitment. He knew that if he really wanted to be the
best, it was up to him. He was determined to Make It Happen.

As you pursue your goals, as you strive towards greater
sales success, follow these four points, and you will not only
survive, but thrive. After all, most salespeople don't fail. They
just give up.

Alan has so much great self-development material to share
that I asked him what else he would suggest for my readers.
He suggested his "12 Little-Known Keys To Extraordinary
Success  On And Off The Job."  Awesome stuff. To see
them, click on http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?af=516819
then on the left side menu bar and choose "2-Day Journey."

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
Marcus Aurelius  

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This Week's Tip:
Here's How You Will Sell More
Than Ever in 2009


Do you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and
making excuses for their performance?
你认识一些这样的人吗? 他们总是不停在抱怨,发牢骚以及在为他们的表现找借口.

Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties.

Oh sure, there's no denying that the current economic environment
could be better. But, when the weather is bad, do you say, "Oh,
the weather's bad. I can't go outside today, or do my job." I doubt it.

The successes in life adapt to their environment. They make changes.
They act. I bet that is you.

And just like we need to regularly work on our physical health to stay
in shape, we need to do the same with our mental and "sales health"
to perform at peak levels.

At my regular meeting of Master Speakers International, I sat down
with one of the top experts in the world on peak performance and
motivation, my friend Dr. Alan Zimmerman. I asked Alan what
salespeople need to do, right now, to keep their attitudes high
and outsell the competition.
在我的那些与国际大师的定期会议中,我与我的朋友Alan Zimmerman博士坐在一起,在巅锋行动及动机学方面,他是世界上最顶级的专家之一.我询问了Alan,在现如今的情势下,销售人员应该做些什么以保持他们较高的情绪,得以在竞争中突出.

Here are his common-sense, on-target answers. First, on attitude:

1. Refuse to blame anyone or anything for sales problems.
Blaming anything outside of yourself doesn't change anything. All
blame can do is keep you stuck or make you spiteful, neither of which
will turn you into a winner. Ever wonder why one salesperson prospers
while another suffers in the same situation? The answer is simple:
The suffering salesperson wastes his time on blame, while the
prospering salesperson is investing her time, learning how to get
better at what she does.

What are you doing, right now, to get better?

2. Refuse to use a loser's language.
The most successful, and I might add, the happiest salespeople,
refuse to use a loser's language. They know that words precede results.
They know if they talk like a loser, they'll end up losing. George Schultz,
the former U.S. Secretary of State said, "The minute you start talking
about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost."
最成功的,我还可以加上说是,最快乐的销售人员他们拒绝使用失败者的语调.他们知道语言在结果之前.他们知道如果他们说话就如同个失败者一样,他们最后终将会失败. 美国前秘书长George Schultz说:"如果你一开始谈论你即将要去做的事情,是以一种要失败的语调的话,那么,其实,你已经失败了."

The salesperson who will not acknowledge defeat cannot be defeated.
That person is guaranteed to win in the long run. It's a given.

It's like the little boy who walked onto the baseball practice field
saying, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." He threw up the ball,
swung, missed, and said, "Strike one." He threw up the ball again,
and once more he swung and missed, and said, "Strike two." He
did that for three strikes in a row.

At that point he picked up his bat and ball. With a smile on his face,
he walked off the field and said, "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world."

He refused to use the language of a loser. He only talked about winning,
and so should you.

The research is quite clear. The more you talk about failing to meet
your sales goals, the more negative your attitude will become. And
the more negative your attitude becomes, the poorer results will be.
It's a vicious downward cycle that you must refuse to enter.

What language do you use when you talk to yourself and others
about your performance, effort, and outlook on life?

3. Choose to believe in yourself.
Even though you may have some doubts about your sales abilities,
even though the balance sheet of your life may show more liabilities
than assets, you've got to believe in yourself. Sugar Ray Robinson,
the boxing champ, said, "To be a champ, you have to believe in
yourself when nobody else will."
3. 选择相信自己
即使你可能有一些怀疑你自己的销售能力,即使资产负债表表明,你的生活可能会出现资不抵债的情况,你也要相信自己。拳击冠军Sugar Ray Robinson说:“要成为冠军,即使在别人都不相信你的时候,你也必须要相信你自己。 ”

If that sounds easier said than done, all you have to do is start
affirming it. Tell yourself twenty times a day, a hundred times a day,
"I like myself. I believe in myself. And I am a great salesperson."

Eventually your subconscious mind will start to accept your affirmation,
and you will believe in yourself. (By the way, the cynics laugh and
make fun of this. Just ask them what their sales results are, though.)
最终你的潜意识里会开始接受你的这种肯定,然后你就会真的相信你自己. (顺便说一下,会有一些愤世嫉俗者的笑声和一些人的打趣.你只须要问问他们的销售结果,其实很糟的.)
Cynic:someone who is critical of the motives of others查字典请注意要学会选择最合适的解释,而不是只会用最常见的中文翻译

In addition to working on your attitude, according to Dr. Zimmerman,
there are a few things we need to do to keep selling during tough times:

1. Work hard. If someone were to follow you around for a week
and painstakingly recorded everything you did to advance your sales
career, would that person walk away with a long list of all the things
you're doing to get ahead? Or would that person have a long list
of the excuses you gave and the times you wasted?
1. 努力工作.如果有个人一整个星期都是围在你旁边,煞费苦心的记录你所做的每一件事以推进你的销售生涯.当那个人走的时候,他拿着的那个长长的清单,记录的是关于你努力向前的事呢?还是记录的关于你不断给出的借口以及你浪费的时间呢?

Sometimes people fool themselves into thinking they're putting
out 100% effort, when in reality, they're not.

For example, many salespeople aren't doing too well these days,
and Alan often hears  them say, "I sent out 100 flyers announcing
our new product line, and I didn't get any response. I did everything
I could." Oh really? How about picking up the phone more?
举例来说,现在很多的销售人员并不是做得很好, Alan经常听见他们说:”我发了100份单子来宣传我们新的产品线,但我一个回复都没有收到.我已经做了我能做的一切了.”真的是这样吗?你有试过多打几通电话吗?

One hundred percent effort means that you've exhausted every
possible opportunity for reaching your goal. If you're looking for a
sale, 100% effort would include researching individual companies
that are a great fit for your product or service, sending these
companies personalized letters, and calling to follow up with
intelligent, company-specific questions, not to mention networking,
referrals, and a host of other selling strategies.
Networking 通过扩大交际获得销售(或客户推介)
Referrals 客户转介

2. Practice endurance.
To many salespeople, "endurance" is a nasty word. They would
like to come by success the "easy" way. They want it to fall into
their laps.
2. 锻炼忍耐力.
对于很多销售人员来说,” 忍耐力”是一个让人讨厌的词.他们希望通过一个”简单容易”的方式达到成功.他们希望它(成功)能从天而降.

But that's an extremely rare occurrence. 99.99% of the time,
success comes AFTER you "endure" awhile. And all the greats
in every field of endeavor have learned how to "endure."
不过,那是极罕见的现象.99.99%的情况是,在你” 忍耐”了一段时间之后,成功才会到来.而且每一领域的伟大人物都学会了如何” 忍耐”.

As professional tennis player Bjorn Borg noted, "My greatest
point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However
down I am? I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows
that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats
into victories."
如同职业网球选手Bjorn Borg指出的那样”我最大的特点就是我很有毅力.无论我处于多么不利的境地,我从来不会放弃比赛.我会一直战斗直到最后一个球.从我的比赛清单上可以看出,我逆转了很多场当时所谓的必输的比赛,最后获得了胜利.”

Could the same be said of you? That you never give up?
That you endure?

Or do people, secretly behind your back, say you bail out
when things get a little tough? Do they say you give up way
too easily or throw in the towel too quickly? Do they point
out the fact that you seldom finish what you start?

If you answer "yes" to any of these latter questions,
remember the words of John Quincy Adams. He noted,
如果对于后面的那些问题,你有一个的回答是”是”的话,那么你要记住John Quincy Adams的话.他指出,

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

In other words, there's power in perseverance.

3. Stay committed.
Everything else being equal, commitment wins every time.
So fight back any feelings of discouragement that might
get in your way. Don't allow yourself to hang it up when
things get rough.
commit:专注,give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

If you're going to be successful, you've got to remember
the letters M.I.H., just like that one high school wrestler.
During his Junior year he won the second place trophy
in the state championships.

Now he could have thought that was good enough.

But the day after the state finals, he was back in the same
old gym working out in the same old sweats with one small
change. He had placed white tape on each of his three
middle fingers, and on each piece of tape was a letter: M.I.H.

He kept the letters on his fingers all year, and he trained
harder than ever, until he again found himself at the state
tournament. This time he was crowned state champion.

Of course people wanted to know how he did it. He created
a tool that helped him focus, stay the course, and keep up
his commitment. He knew that if he really wanted to be the
best, it was up to him. He was determined to Make It Happen.

As you pursue your goals, as you strive towards greater
sales success, follow these four points, and you will not only
survive, but thrive. After all, most salespeople don't fail. They
just give up.

Alan has so much great self-development material to share
that I asked him what else he would suggest for my readers.
He suggested his "12 Little-Known Keys To Extraordinary
Success  On And Off The Job."  Awesome stuff. To see
them, click on http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?af=516819
then on the left side menu bar and choose "2-Day Journey."
On And Off The Job 工作之内与之外
Awesome stuff. 优异的材料!

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
Marcus Aurelius  

This Week's Tip:
Here's How You Will Sell More
Than Ever in 2009
Do you know anyone who is constantly whining, complaining, and
making excuses for their performance?
Stay clear of them, because they will try to suck you into their pity parties.
Oh sure, there's no denying that the current economic environment
could be better. But, when the weather is bad, do you say, "Oh,
the weather's bad. I can't go outside today, or do my job." I doubt it.
The successes in life adapt to their environment. They make changes.
They act. I bet that is you.
And just like we need to regularly work on our physical health to stay
in shape, we need to do the same with our mental and "sales health"
to perform at peak levels.
At my regular meeting of Master Speakers International, I sat down
with one of the top experts in the world on peak performance and
motivation, my friend Dr. Alan Zimmerman. I asked Alan what
salespeople need to do, right now, to keep their attitudes high
and outsell the competition.
Here are his common-sense, on-target answers. First, on attitude:
1. Refuse to blame anyone or anything for sales problems.
Blaming anything outside of yourself doesn't change anything. All
blame can do is keep you stuck or make you spiteful, neither of which
will turn you into a winner. Ever wonder why one salesperson prospers
while another suffers in the same situation? The answer is simple:
The suffering salesperson wastes his time on blame, while the
prospering salesperson is investing her time, learning how to get
better at what she does.
What are you doing, right now, to get better?

2. Refuse to use a loser's language.
The most successful, and I might add, the happiest salespeople,
refuse to use a loser's language. They know that words precede results.
They know if they talk like a loser, they'll end up losing. George Schultz,
the former U.S. Secretary of State said, "The minute you start talking
about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost."
The salesperson who will not acknowledge defeat cannot be defeated.
That person is guaranteed to win in the long run. It's a given.
It's like the little boy who walked onto the baseball practice field
saying, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." He threw up the ball,
swung, missed, and said, "Strike one." He threw up the ball again,
and once more he swung and missed, and said, "Strike two." He
did that for three strikes in a row.
At that point he picked up his bat and ball. With a smile on his face,
he walked off the field and said, "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world."
He refused to use the language of a loser. He only talked about winning,
and so should you.
The research is quite clear. The more you talk about failing to meet
your sales goals, the more negative your attitude will become. And
the more negative your attitude becomes, the poorer results will be.
It's a vicious downward cycle that you must refuse to enter.
What language do you use when you talk to yourself and others
about your performance, effort, and outlook on life?

3. Choose to believe in yourself.
Even though you may have some doubts about your sales abilities,
even though the balance sheet of your life may show more liabilities
than assets, you've got to believe in yourself. Sugar Ray Robinson,
the boxing champ, said, "To be a champ, you have to believe in
yourself when nobody else will."
即使你可能对你的销售能力有疑问,即使你生活开支比你的资产有更多的稳定性,你仍旧要相信那你自己。拳王,舒格 雷 罗宾逊,说过“要想成为一个冠军,别人相信你的时候,你必须要相信你自己”
If that sounds easier said than done, all you have to do is start
affirming it. Tell yourself twenty times a day, a hundred times a day,
"I like myself. I believe in myself. And I am a great salesperson."
Eventually your subconscious mind will start to accept your affirmation,
and you will believe in yourself. (By the way, the cynics laugh and
make fun of this. Just ask them what their sales results are, though.)

In addition to working on your attitude, according to Dr. Zimmerman,
there are a few things we need to do to keep selling during tough times:
1. Work hard. If someone were to follow you around for a week
and painstakingly recorded everything you did to advance your sales
career, would that person walk away with a long list of all the things
you're doing to get ahead? Or would that person have a long list
of the excuses you gave and the times you wasted?
Sometimes people fool themselves into thinking they're putting
out 100% effort, when in reality, they're not.
For example, many salespeople aren't doing too well these days,
and Alan often hears  them say, "I sent out 100 flyers announcing
our new product line, and I didn't get any response. I did everything
I could." Oh really? How about picking up the phone more?
One hundred percent effort means that you've exhausted every
possible opportunity for reaching your goal. If you're looking for a
sale, 100% effort would include researching individual companies
that are a great fit for your product or service, sending these
companies personalized letters, and calling to follow up with
intelligent, company-specific questions, not to mention networking,
referrals, and a host of other selling strategies.

2. Practice endurance.
To many salespeople, "endurance" is a nasty word. They would
like to come by success the "easy" way. They want it to fall into
their laps.
But that's an extremely rare occurrence. 99.99% of the time,
success comes AFTER you "endure" awhile. And all the greats
in every field of endeavor have learned how to "endure."
As professional tennis player Bjorn Borg noted, "My greatest
point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However
down I am ? I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows
that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats
into victories."
Could the same be said of you? That you never give up?
That you endure?
Or do people, secretly behind your back, say you bail out
when things get a little tough? Do they say you give up way
too easily or throw in the towel too quickly? Do they point
out the fact that you seldom finish what you start?
If you answer "yes" to any of these latter questions,
remember the words of John Quincy Adams. He noted,
对以上的任何问题,如有你的回答是“Yes”的话,记住John Quincy Adams的话。他说:
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
In other words, there's power in perseverance.

3. Stay committed.
Everything else being equal, commitment wins every time.
So fight back any feelings of discouragement that might
get in your way. Don't allow yourself to hang it up when
things get rough.
If you're going to be successful, you've got to remember
the letters M.I.H., just like that one high school wrestler.
During his Junior year he won the second place trophy
in the state championships.
当你将要成功的时候, 你会想起字母MIH,旧相识高中时候那个摔跤宣州。在他上初中的时候,他就赢得了洲际比赛的第二名。
Now he could have thought that was good enough.
But the day after the state finals, he was back in the same
old gym working out in the same old sweats with one small
change. He had placed white tape on each of his three
middle fingers, and on each piece of tape was a letter: M.I.H.
He kept the letters on his fingers all year, and he trained
harder than ever, until he again found himself at the state
tournament. This time he was crowned state champion.
Of course people wanted to know how he did it. He created
a tool that helped him focus, stay the course, and keep up
his commitment. He knew that if he really wanted to be the
best, it was up to him. He was determined to Make It Happen.
As you pursue your goals, as you strive towards greater
sales success, follow these four points, and you will not only
survive, but thrive. After all, most salespeople don't fail. They
just give up.
Alan has so much great self-development material to share
that I asked him what else he would suggest for my readers.
He suggested his "12 Little-Known Keys To Extraordinary
Success  On And Off The Job."  Awesome stuff. To see
them, click on http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?af=516819
then on the left side menu bar and choose "2-Day Journey."

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
Marcus Aurelius  

Go and have your best week ever!



Never throw in the towel too quickly

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