我的英文本来不是太好,现在遇到一位西班牙人的英文,看的我云里雾里的, 求高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!It seems that the problem did not write was that the data write protection pin is enabled to write-protect do not know if this ruling is that you can miss there sistor R30 can be seen in the photo, would need to know its value put resistance, in order to make data to be written I had to get the pin 7 of U7 ic as Isay the value of the resistor R30 if it is missing?
It seems to be up all night and disconnected the phone without battery it has been misinformation and besides I have disconnected the battery was the cause of the malfunction, now spend a few days to see if it does anything strange, I hope it works well even without the battery connected in time, since switching the battery switch to a network could producicir funcionmiento anomalous.
I will keep you informed ...
看来一晚上手机都没电所以也得不到消息,故障也有可能是俺摘了电池引起的,得花个几天看看手机正常否。 希望没电池也能工作,因为换了电池和网络有可能造成产品故障。 再联系!
谢谢你,你果然是高手,没有图片也能看懂他在讲什么,这封邮件我研究好几遍都不知在讲什么,呵呵 ,看来我以后还要好好学英语,
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