And if still today, until quite recently, if only sporadically and fleetingly, illusions in a new upswing, an Indian summer of bourgeois liberalism, the cooperation and common struggle of the proletariat were conceivable, the more groundbreaking Lassalle’s noble deed will become, as he did not hesitate for a second in showing the German proletariat the way to independent class politics through the rubble of liberalism stemming from the time of conflict – a liberalism that, of course, towers above the liberalism of today.评论
关于无产阶级和工人运动的文章 讨论资本主义自由思想的境界 很深奥的文章 要一定文学功底
节选自 Rosa Luxemburg: Lassalle and the Revolution
[ 本帖最后由 yy169169 于 2011-7-28 11:36 编辑 ]
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