Additional express charge USD 1000 after acceptance of first batch 2 km and if delivery date will be within 15 days after payment confirmation。客户向我厂定购第一批是2千米(约200KG)的塑料制品。。客户说直接通过DHL快递,给了我们DHL账号,查了有效。。意思应该是可以到付这个快递费。。但Additional express charge USD 1000 。。。这句话是什么意思呢
Additional express charge USD 1000 after acceptance of first batch 2 km and if delivery date will be within 15 days after payment confirmation
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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