

This mail(real letter) I am writing not only to You personally ...but almost the some will get the others companies with I will be (as a company) start to cooperate

You know ...I started to correspond with over 100 factories...but follow some mails I was realise that a lot of companies (not You) are realy cheaters....

people say one thing...make another (like children)

deny that for China products there is no any certification...could You believe....(  they are Your naighbour competitors )

promise certifications....which never existed at all

show certifination with bad norms

or just show certification ordinary replicated....In several companies there have CE certification....making with the some day...with the some signature and so on...


Look, I am not claim or even blaim anybody...I just want to show that to select the right company is how to find the way in a jungle during the night,,,almost impossible

Maybe You accustom to people who make the order and that's it...

I know the life and I know that from 12 companies choosen for permanent cooperation will stay only a few ... and as usually life is showing the really permanent cooperation I will be continuing with 1-3 companies ...

It depend Dears on You...only on You ...and definitely on You...I am open and really flexible...You could be able check in south
Those of You who will be at the Canton -Fair will be able to meet my real chinese friends with whom I have been working for a years...Owners of the tiles companies and my Chinese Tile agent

We have been working for over 9 years
You could be able to discus to get (receive) recommendation from my cooperators...and they will say...am I worth or not to be believed...Who Will not be in Guangzhou all the time be able to call...of course if anybody wishes...I am talking about possibilities not as any suggestion...God Save !!!.

Some one doubt based on may words though that I am talking just to kill the time…

I believe You or even trust ,,I always believe people at the beginning,

I know what are the costs, profit margin ,gain and ...also accountancy balance sheet...

And I appreciate all Your kind , deep or even shallow  explanation ...please newer even think that my words in business could have anything undermining or I procedure any game...It is waste of time in vain,,,
Business must be based on both-side believe...mutual agreement...and be trustable...

I know that You contact follow Your job with hundreds of people who say and promise "golden mountains"...and than thay disappeared like marks on the sand and circles on the water
...means nothing...I know that such an experience create the distance to what next people saying...that's life...that's normal..."cest la vie"...
so,.I just want to introduce the stable rules,because talking about the prices by me is not for increase my profit ...but to increase the turnover...for both gain !!!...

And I mentioned at the beginning that all depends on You…I underlain that it depends definitely on You!!! if we be working permanently

You mostly working as a orders catchers…from one order to another

Most of You think that permanently , means to order frequently and regular …

but ,but , but ,

1.The price is not most important…o.k. slightly…

2.Service ?…so,so

3.Speedy answer ?…if there is no another advantages …maybe

4.Time of delivery ?…if it is sth permanent it doesn’t matter 30-60-90 or even 180 days. Factory are working and sending permanently and ….customers are selling permanentl.  It is no matter definitely ,at all.

5.Nice stuff….I know very expensive restaurants where people have been cutting ties or staining suites , stuff is  crying , and be so rude …but there is  crowded …

What in this situation is most important…I give You the typical situation in European factories

And at the end You will find explanation why I making like this

Now I just simplify way of business commonly used to work in EU..

.which conduct to , as bellow

1.Company have bigger turnover than comparable in China
2.Have bigger profits...despite much more higher inner cost...e.g. salary,transport,taxes,insurence,excise tax and duty
3.Permanent production 25h a day, 8days a week, 13 month a year...;))))
4.Do not need to search new customers...market divided with exclusivity
5.Do not work from one order to another
6.Do not need to encourage new clients by low prices...
7.No even touch the level  the target prices
8.Do not waist the time in vain searching the clients
9.CEOs and companies boards think only how and where invest freshly-hot money
10.Buying yachts, residences (all over the world)...live in almost palaces
11.Employees drive fine cars and live in perfect conditions
12.The have the stable work...and business
13.Business contacts make mostly just for fun...with meeting with their custommers all over the world
14.Making extra gifts, promotion ,discounts...and never say about the target prices ...because they have the big margin profit
  Such a big that they can grant sometime sale 50-70% off
15.Support the charity organizations ...for example like me ( I am vice-precident one of them)
16.Play sports...golf, tennis, skiing
17.Works 30 hours weekly !!!
18.Have early and good paid and equipped retirement
19.Fairy live
20.And mostly think about pleasure of life..."relax first...business later on"
  and the most precious and valuable matter that
21.They have permanent cooperation with clients and just produce permanently the goods..which are in the stable way logistically transport
22.Every client who touch the factory join attach ,fix himself and by himself and ...it seems to be like "goes without saying"
23.Finally everybody reach the holiest thing in the world...means the holy peace...,at all !!!

You know .. apart from that I am a physician(surgeon) MD, I have created the big companies (10% market-share in tiles) , I was giving a lecture on German University in Koblenz
Subject was    "How to change Show-room into show in a room..."...then with the some subject in Bologna University(Italy) and in Universitades de Valencia (Spain)...
It was as honour for me follow my merits in changing the people mentality during direct contacts...general motto was...


                           " to sell emotion ,not goods..."

So…now You know what is most important….And what  I was meaning

With tiles factories I have been working in such a way….with above effects

Mind You Show it to Your boss...if anyone You possesive !!!

I hope I am not boring You….Ladies and Gentlemen , thanks for attention

Have a really fantastic day…

Sincerely Yours


p.s. answer....consist of the only one word.... will be sent very soon...it depends what reaction will create my mail

邮箱地址:[email protected]

客户在叫教你怎么做生意呢 哈哈 这人有意思啊。。。

从他的经验来说 什么是一个好的供应商 什么是值得合作的供应商

证书造假 交期问题 价格问题

后面是欧洲国家的公司如何交易 及他的建议

实在太长了 楼主 其实很多东西你自己都懂 就是太懒

天下没白吃的午餐 你要知道 楼上的意思你要懂 哈哈

[ 本帖最后由 yy169169 于 2011-8-18 10:27 编辑 ]



这人一看就是油条了 好的价格 好的质量 好的服务 才能拿下订单,,楼主自己衡量怎么给他回邮件



这么长没办法 出点费用吧



1. 互信的重要性、长久合作
2. cest la vie 这就是生活
3. to sell emotion ,not goods 做生意就是做人,感情在先,生意在后。



the right way(european way)到底是什么方式啊?纠结啊

Dear Sunny

Before mail   was send to 12 companies....
And believe me...no one unterstood the main and the only one meaning
Everybody answer that agree with such an ideas, was inspired in business a life, underline.. mostly trust, mutual agreement, relax, selling emotion...etc,etc
No one read what I wanted to say due to wat I didnt say....it was such en easy...
You though about the prices,,,I told You price it doesnt matter....matter is in another place...
About selling emotion everybody though that I am who???...monk...to work not for money
Profesionalist even when have realy huge amount of money always works for money...that's the general rules
People in lover levels...pay attantion at relationships, possibility of get knowledge, usefull time of working., short distance to home, good social services, insurance, possibility of education within the work....babys care, etc
....the profesionalist ONLY work ONLY for the money...!!!!
Selling emotion was for that...that clients easier buying and paying more ....when will be right attand...
Instead talking about the prices and quality just say...you are so sofisticated guy...and lets go for Shanghai F1 ruck...
or just just talk about taste of dinner eating in saloon with Yours floor....about stronger erection in bedroom when it will be using Your flooring....and cosmic energy will enter clients body when touch naked foot in the morning...it is much more better than acupressure...and so on, and so on.....
It just increase turnover volue and profit...that's it
That's a pity that now one would like at the begining more incerase prices what was giving to me...WHY ???????
Why nobody say...o.k. we want to increase turnover and profit ,,,but we have no experience ...say please how to do that directly
and so on, and so on, and so on...

Despite all
Warm regards
p.s. first container was today launch in Shanghai...this company at the beging start to talk in the right way (european way) and I payed more then most of You gave me....now I could imagine..how Your eyes are making bigger and bigger with surprise....by the way...and quality was I think quite medium...In the previous letter was precisise...what is and what is not important to create permanent cooperation...
It certainly was....But do not worry ...I need another 4-5 companies to be launch cooperation....there is still time...not later till my visit China in october...becouse I intend to spend whole week in Changzhou...plus few days in Shanghai...
Later on I will be in China in December...and than ....in Shanghai Fair....I know You kindly welcome me...I know....I know ...You are so gentle



楼主我估计你回他说什么你们质量多么好 价格多么优了

对这种老油条吹嘘没用的  busines is business 对老油条  实话实说吧


加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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