




[ 本帖最后由 Namiko-zs 于 2011-10-1 07:55 编辑 ]

[系统消息] JINXIANGYI 向您报告一篇帖子
来自:        JINXIANGYI
发送到:        Namiko-zs
时间:        2011-9-30 14:58
JINXIANGYI 向您报告以下的帖子,详细内容请访问:
http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... ;page=1#pid54001320

他/她的报告理由是: Our engineer studied the information you have provided carefully, and have  tested , all  products  work  normal,Maybe  you feedback problems in winxp or out of the operating system, because the IBM version 4.0 driver version of winxp are very strict, once the lack of the system files or update, it may cause our products can't be normal use. We have the following problems and operation requires the expensive department to help:
1, 2 sets products are come to the same situation? Take a serial port test?
2, the operating system and its test version??? What???
3, have no use our own drivers test?
4, the last time enough to buy the test is not the problem, can you the products in the last test sample test on the computer? Because we update the only involves the monitor shell and internal structure, read and write CARDS and did not make any update.
5, please use the attached IBM3.8 test drive

Our products in before they leave the factory all did the strict test detection, should do not have a problem. The above problem please confirm, and then we engineer with a remote control software to operate to your computer, then we in on SKYPE communication, thanks! "

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Our engineers have thoroughly studied the information you offered us and made an experiment,only to find it worked quite well. Probably the problem lies in the operating system since IBM4.0‘s strictness with Windows XP makes it fail to work promptly once the system file is missing or updated. We need your help as to the questions as follows:

[ 本帖最后由 EvinW 于 2011-9-30 15:19 编辑 ]


1. Do both of the products have the same problem? Has MODBUS been applied?
2. Which operating system and which version have you used in your experiment? Have you applied our driver?
3. The sample you previously purchased passed the experiment. And the latest updation to the product only covers the housing and internal structure of the monitor, excluding the reader. So what about experimenting with this product on the computer, where you did with the sample?
4. Try the driver IBM3.8 (Please check the attachment)

All of our products have passed strict examinations before leaving the factory. There should be nothing wrong with them.
Please give us a reply as to the questions above. Our engineers will operate your computer through remote administrator. We can talk on the skype then. THX.


Our engineer studied the information you provided carefully and did test around it.  This product works normally. The problem you mentioned may be still in winxp OS because IBM 4.0 driver has strictly requirements on WINXP version. Our products cannot work normally once sys files are lost or updated. We have following questions and operation need your cooperation.
1.        Does the two products has the same problem? Did you try serial port testing?
2.        What’s the OS and it’s version used for testing?
3.        Did you test using driver program of ourselves?
4.        Testing sample bought last time has no such kind of problem. Can you put the product bought this time on the same computer you tested for testing sample bought last time to do the test? Because our update only include the shell and inner structure of displayer and there is no any update for card reader.
5.        Please test with driver IBM3.8 attached.
All our products have been tested strictly before leaving factory . there should have no such kind of problem. Please confirm questions above then our engineer will operate on your computer through remote desktop software and we can communicate on SKYPE at the same time. Thank you

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