公司简介揭阳昊坤实业有限公司位于广东省揭阳市经济开发试验区,公司占地面积16亩,厂房面积 8000平方米,现有员工200多人,拥有多台专业生产机械及先进流水生产设备。
公司重点生产EVA鞋类产品,100%EVA材质注塑成型,生产出舒适、轻巧、抗菌及无毒的产 品,发展了一系列齐全的颜色与款式;产品具有回弹性和抗张力高、韧性强、良好的防震 和缓冲性能等特点,且可配合客户自定颜色,将色彩最准化,给广大的消费族群带来极度舒适与色彩丰富的穿着体验。
昊坤实业有限公司以优异的质量,良好的声誉,用心的服务和合理的价格,使得产品畅销 欧美、日本、非洲、中东、东南亚及国内各地,赢得广大客户的信赖及青睐。
Jieyang Hao Kun Shoes Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Economic Development Zone of Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, covers an area of 16 acres, plant area of 8,000 square meters. We have more than 200 employees, working with professional machinerys and in advanced production line.
Our company is specilizing in manufacturing EVA footwear, 100% material injection molding to produce a comfortable, lightweight, anti-bacterial and non-toxic products, develop a complete line of color and style. The products advantages of high elasticity and tensile strength, toughness, good shockproof and cushioning properties.And can be customized with customer optimal color to bring the vast number of consumer groups extremely comfortable and color- rich experience.
Our products sold well among domestic and overseas market such as Europe, South America, Southest Asia with good quality, reputation, service and competitive price. And win the trust and favor from extensive customers.
EVA橡塑制品是新型环保塑料发泡材料,具有良好的缓冲、抗震、隔热、防潮、抗化学腐蚀等优点,且无毒、不吸水。 EVA橡塑制品经设计可加工成形,其防震性能优于聚苯乙烯(泡沫)等传统发泡材料,且符合环保要求,是出口产品的最佳选择。相对于防震包装可以切割、成型;因密度差异较大,还可以有更为广泛的用途。
EVA rubber and plastic products is a new environmental protection plastic foam materials, with advantages of cushioning, shockproof, heat protection, moistureproof, resistance to chemical corrosion, etc., and non-toxic, non-absorbent. It can be processed by the design shape, the shockproof if better than polystyrene (foam) and other traditional foam materials, especially meet environmental requirements. So it is the best choice for export products. Packaging can be cut relative to the shockproof, forming; quite different because of the density can also have a wider range of uses.
[ 本帖最后由 lina-y 于 2011-10-20 17:30 编辑 ]
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