老总最近给了我一份UL467关于接地产品的标准让我翻译,很难很难,一个星期了我才只翻了一半,有些句子很难,我翻不出来,网上也找不到参考资料,下面我贴几段我觉得非常难几乎让我阵亡的段落,大家帮我翻译一下吧??谢谢了!!9.4.9 A wedge to which the base of the burner can be secured shall be provided for tilting the barrel 20°
from the vertical while the longitudinal axis of the barrel remains in a vertical plane. The burner shall be
secured to the wedge and the assembly shall be placed in an adjustable jig that is attached to the floor
of the enclosure. The jig shall be adjusted laterally to place the longitudinal axis of the barrel in the same
vertical plane as the vertical axis of the bushing. The plane shall be parallel to the sides of the enclosure.
9.4.10 The jig shall also be adjusted toward the rear or front of the enclosure to a point at which the
intersection of the longitudinal axis of the barrel with the plane of the tip of the barrel is 38 mm (1-1/2 in)
from the point at which the extended longitudinal axis of the barrel meets the front surface of the
specimen. The latter is the point at which the tip of the inner blue cone will touch the upper edge of the
diameter of the bushing.
9.4.11 The valve supplying gas to the pilot shall be opened and the pilot flame lit. The valve supplying
gas to the burner shall be opened to apply the flame to the specimen automatically. This valve shall be
held open for 15 s and then closed for 15 s. This procedure shall be repeated four times for a total of five
applications of flame to the specimen.
9.4.12 The throat insulator shall be assigned one of the temperature ratings specified in Table 6, and it
shall be marked where visible after installation with its temperature rating.
9.6.5 The test solution shall be contained in a glass vessel such as a separatory funnel with the outlet
equipped with a stopcock and a capillary tube having an inside bore of 0.64 mm (0.025 in) and a length
of 140 mm (5.5 in). The lower end of the capillary tube shall be tapered to form a tip, the drops from which
are about 0.05 mL each. To preserve an effectively constant level, a small glass tube shall be inserted in
the top of the funnel through a rubber stopper, and its position shall be adjusted so that, when the
stopcock is opened, the drop rate shall be 100 ± 5 drops per minute.
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2011-11-12 16:14 编辑 ]
:') :') 这就是我的心声啊!!!太难了!我翻不出来。。。
我四十多页 现在翻了一半 时间已经花掉了一个多星期了。。。
这么长得拿来翻译 无视!
确实灰常难 头都看大了
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