CPSC发布中国产品危害每月小结简报 2011-09本期简报涉及中国产通报产品共11起,详见下文:
Hardware for drop-side rail on baby cribs can breakor fail, allowing the drop side to detach from the crib. When the drop sidedetaches, a gap is created between the drop-side rail and the crib mattress inwhich infants and toddlers can become wedged or entrapped, posing suffocationand strangulation risks.
婴儿床的活动栏杆侧轨部件断裂或失灵, 使得活动栏杆脱离床身。活动栏杆脱离时, 活动栏杆侧轨和床垫之间所造成的空隙致使婴幼儿被卡住而构成窒息和窒扼危害。
Small pegs on child’s xylophone toy can loosen anddetach, posing a choking hazard.
儿童木琴上的小钉头松落, 构成窒息危害。
Portable gel fuel can ignite unexpectedly andsplatter onto people and objects nearby when it is poured into a firepot thatis still burning.
便携式胶燃料在倒入还在燃烧的火罐时意外点燃, 溅到附近的人和物品上。
Surface paint on toy cars contains excessive leadlevels, violating the federal lead paint standard.
玩具汽车上的涂层油漆含铅超量, 违反了美国联邦含铅油漆标准。
Children’s play workshop and tool sets haveoversized, plastic toy nails that can pose a choking hazard.
Bicycle chain can break, causing a rider to losecontrol and fall.
自行车链条断裂, 使得骑车人失去控制而跌倒。
Plastic pitcher of food blender can separate fromthe blade assembly during use, leaving the blade assembly in the base andexposing the rotating blades, posing a laceration hazard to consumers.
食物搅拌器的塑料壶在使用中和搅拌器机身分离, 搅拌器因此掉到底座上, 使得正在旋转的刀片暴露, 对消费者构成割伤危害。
The power connector for the dehumidifier’scompressor can short circuit, posing fire and burn hazards to consumers.(Re-announcement of a December 30, 2009 recall)
除湿器压缩机的电源连接易短路, 构成火灾和灼伤危害。(重新通报于2009 年12 月被召回的产品)
Hair on dolls may contain loops that are largeenough to fit around a child’s head and neck posing a strangulation hazard.Headband on doll, if loosened, can form a loop that fits around a child’s headand neck, posing a strangulation hazard.
玩偶的头发呈环状, 环大到足以使儿童的脑袋和脖子通过, 构成窒扼危害。玩偶的发带如果松开, 形成足以使儿童的脑袋和脖子通过的环, 构成窒扼危害。
Black plastic ball attached to door anchor ofresistance cord used for exercise can unexpectedly release and strike the user.
LED night lights can overheat, smolder, and melt,causing minor burns.
发光二极管灯过热, 焖烧和熔化,造成轻度灼伤。
[ 本帖最后由 james_lin 于 2011-12-14 08:48 编辑 ]
CPSC中国产品危害每月小结简报 2011-10
When tires on hand cart (used to carryboxes) are overinflated, they can explode causing the wheel hub to separate orbreak. Ejected pieces of the hub can injure bystanders.
(用于运送箱子)的手推车轮胎充气过度时爆胎, 导致轮毂分离或裂开。因此弹飞的轮毂碎片伤害到路人。
Bolt that secures the seat saddle clamp tothe bicycle seat post can break, posing a fall hazard.
将车座固定在自行车车座杆上的螺栓断裂, 构成跌倒危害。
Gliding chair has an exposed gap between themoving parts of the chair and the base framework that is accessible by youngchildren, posing an entrapment hazard. Other exposed moving parts on the chair andottoman can pose finger pinching and crushing hazards to older children andadults.
摇椅的活动部分和底座之间有幼儿够得到的空隙, 构成被羁绊住危害。椅子和沙发椅垫的其它活动部分构成夹住手指危害, 并且对岁数大一些的儿童及成年人构成挤伤危害。
Plush frog masks lack proper ventilation,posing a suffocation hazard to the child.
毛绒青蛙面具通风不足, 对儿童构成窒息危害。
Lithium ion battery used in electric carsand propulsion systems can ignite, posing a risk of fire and burns.
电动汽车和推进系统的锂离子电池会点燃, 构成火灾和灼伤风险。
Incorrectly wired carbon monoxide detectorsdo not function properly in these ways: they do not alert in the home alarmpanel and do not send a signal to the company alarm monitoring center; theywill not signal when needing replacement as they should at the end of theiruseful life.
This poses a risk of carbon monoxidepoisoning to consumers.
一氧化碳警报器因接线出错而失灵,出现下列状况: 不能在家庭警报系统发出警报, 不能向公司警报监督中心发送信号,在警报器有效期结束前,未能发出需要更换的信号。这些情况对消费者构成一氧化碳中毒风险。
NiMH battery and its charger can emit excessiveheat, posing a burn and fire hazard.
NiMH 电池和充电器过度释放热量,构成灼伤和火灾危害。
Small pegs in children’s wooden game candetach, posing a choking
hazard to young children.
Embroidered logo patch on baby stroller candetach, posing a choking
hazard to babies and young children.
Pourable gel fuel used in firepots canignite unexpectedly and splatter onto people and objects nearby when it ispoured into a firepot that is still burning, posing fire and burn risks. Thishazard can occur if the consumer does not see the flame or is not aware thatthe firepot is still ignited.
便携式胶燃料在倒入还在燃烧的火罐时意外点燃, 溅到附近的人和物品上,构成火灾和灼伤危害。在消费者没有看到火焰或没有意识到火罐仍然着火时, 产生危害。
Plastic tabs on step stool feet can causeinstability during use, posing a fall hazard.
梯凳上的塑料配件在使用中导致不稳, 构成跌倒危害。
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