經過與供應商討論,估計發生以下狀況可能的原因有:1. 消費者使用了品質低劣的燈泡,燈泡很容易燒壞,燈泡燒壞的瞬間產生強電流,這種強大電流會燒壞觸摸器致使無法正常工作。
2. 消費者可能不了解觸摸燈的使用范圍限制,沒有仔細閱讀說明書的內容。錯誤地把燈放在可以導電的金屬桌面或其他金屬傢俱上面,
3. 還有一個就是本身觸摸器自身觸摸功能的問題。
1. 建議使用品質較好的燈泡。
2. 改用瓦特數比較低的燈泡(如 100W\60W)目前燈頭標上面推薦使用的瓦數是 150W。
3. 在比較顯眼的地方貼上標籤提醒消費者在使用之前一定要仔細閱讀說明書上的注意事項,正確擺放燈具。
4. 強烈要求供應商加強技術改進(目前供應商正在研究並改進加大觸摸器可控硅的安培數,提高觸摸器本身的技術要求,後續供應商會打樣確認)。
我們急切地想徹底解決這些問題,能否把消費者退貨的燈寄回 1PC 給我們研究到底問題出現在哪裡 ?謝謝!
After discussing with touch sensor supplier, we think the following issues that happened to customer may occur for below reasons:
1. Customr may used poor quality bulbs , this bad bulbs are easy to burn out, burned-out bulbs were producing strong electric current at that moment ,
touch sensor will burn after impacted by such a powerfull current . That will result in this lamp work improperly
(We need your help to check with customer whether their bulbs burned out or not when they using )
2. Some customers may don't know the using limitation of touch lamp, they may not read the instruction very carefully.
they may not read the warning attention on instruction sheet for this touch lamp when using. Put this touch lamp on the metal furnitures
so that make the electric current of the lamp directly connected with the ground's. This is completely wrong.
In addition, some customers may also placed this lamp close to stronger conductivity home electric appliances,
such as TVs, computers, refrigerators and air conditioners,etc., There will be strong electric current when these electric
appliances work at same time, the strong current will hurt the tonch sensor that leading to it does not wok properly.
3. The quality issue of the touch sensor.
We suggest to take the following measures to improve:
1. Recommend customer to choose better quality bulbs.
2. Recommend customer use low wattage bulbs ,eg 100W or 60W. (the recommended wattage is 150W currently)
3. Stick a warning label on a prominent place to alert and emphasized customers to put touch lamp on correct place.
Label can read " Touch lamp should stay away from static objects and the stronger conductivity home electric appliances"
4. Request supplier to enhance technological improvements of touch sensor
(now supplier is studying to improve the amperage of SCR for touch sensor, they will make new samples to confirm this technical is workable or not)
This item sell for many years, Our in line QC people do 100% lighting test for every shipment , once questionable products found, we will improve immediately.
But unfortunately, we still continue to get bad reviews for this item regarding the touch function.
We are eager to fix these problems, can we have 1pc returned lamp from customer for reseaching these issues ??
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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