我的一个意大利客户,中高端的,去年做了一笔单子,价钱还可以,但是今年报价,客人说我的价钱太贵了,一下子对我印象就不好了,本来我想解释一下的,也降价很多给客人了,写了以下邮件,Frankly speaking, our price is higher than other factories, but we provide the best workmanship and best delivery date and best service, anyway,i just checking with our boss and apply for a bottom price as below, hope you can reconsider it,we attach importance to our cooperation, and we hope we could have long term cooperation. hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.we look forward to receiving
your orders. big tks!!
Such proud of you to write that. Well, let's say that althought what's previously happened we were ready to give you more chance for collaborating, but after all, we received quotations which were much higher than others, your CM is like double then others, considering that prices hv obviously decreased due to this world economy crisis, I'm glad you still find customers ready to pay more, but to be honest from my side, already coming out with prices double than others doesn't seem very serious. I'm afraid there is no margin of negotiation anymore.
[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-1-29 14:15 编辑 ]
客人嫌报价高了 你或许应该更多的解释高了的原因 材料涨价 品质更好。。。抓住这些
印象不好就不好 没什么的
我核对过发现没有降价的空间 很直接回了客户 过几天还是收到订单了
给客人的印象,我觉得更多的还是我们自己的产品和我们的服务吧 光几句话,或许没什么用
要是实在也没有降价的空间 你可以告诉客人 倘若把原材料换成便宜点的 单价会降低点 但是品质可能没有目前的好 你是做业务的 应该很清楚这点的 客人也不傻 肯定知道一分钱一分货的
首先 你客户的英语还真不错, 我认识的意大利人英语都很一般(毕竟不是他们母语)
其次 现在在国外诚信只是口头上的,大家其实跟中国 看谁便宜就买谁的, 什么印象的都是白扯。
你如果真的要高了就降价, 降价后她回复你有可能是你们还贵, 也有可能是他们还想多砍价。
我不相信如果你们比所有人价钱都低他不买你的东西, 买卖得做, 但是做人先要做的漂亮。
在了解市场的前提下降到一个合理的价位, 然后告诉他们 that is the best price we can offer , I belivev with such high quality and our outstanding service we are confident that you won't find any similar product with a price even close to ours.
in addition we have taken europe financial crisis in to account and tried our best to help you to servive the hard time, our margin have been squzze to the minimal .
thank you for your time, please do not hestitate to contact me if you have any questions,
best regards
谢谢各位的意见,家里的网络一直不太好,已经回复客人了,首先他说我如此骄傲,我应该先解释以下,可能我之前的邮件用了higher这个词,其实我想用little higher,但是他之前说过我的价钱比其它工厂贵很多,所以就不能加little,他说贵很多,因为我们是外贸公司,而客人现在直接找工厂了。而且只提到best
workmanship and best delivery date and best service,其实要赢得客户,最主要的还是价格(主要原材料是客指定供应商),我先回了以下邮件,等客人回复吧,现在单子少,有些工厂开始砸假了,难做的.....
May my expression is not good that you misunderstood some what I mean. to be honest,we can't be proud in this world economy crisis,
i know, the most important condition to win the cutomer is the price, then best workmanship and best delivery date and best service,
our price is really higher before, we also try to reduce our cost, and we offer below reasonable price, if you mean below price is also high?
no matter what result is, we also want to know your information, later we will try, hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again next
season. hope to be your long-term supplier.
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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