有哪位前辈知道伞各个部位的构造的专业术语吗? 请赐教,谢谢....[ 本帖最后由 starzhang430 于 2008-11-20 13:54 编辑 ]
Topic "umbrella"
A reference has been sent to your 163 emailaddress.
Hope it will help.
which part of components you wanna know?
i do know sth about the umbrella
you can ask the questions in this forum.
any parts....................
for example: the hub , runner , ribs ,top finial , pole ,ETC
which part you wanna know ?
I need it, too.
Who will tell us?
Thanks in advance.
I am in the same line with you. and i have the same problem ,maybe we can study together.my msn:[email protected] just know little about it.
[ 本帖最后由 joe_zheng 于 2007-2-2 17:15 编辑 ]
雨衣----------- raincoat
雨伞----------- umbrella
阳伞(女用)----- parasol
折骨伞--------- folding umbrella
缩骨伞--------- telescopic umbrella
伞 umbrella
伞类 umbrella & parasol
伞形天线 umbrella antenna
伞布 umbrella cloth
伞套 umbrella cover
伞面 umbrella fabric
条格伞布 umbrella gingham
伞环 umbrella ring
伞绸 umbrella silk
伞形裙 umbrella skirt
伞架 umbrella stand 槽骨 圆骨,铝架
伞柄 umbrella stem
伞杖 umbrella stick
阔边伞布 umbrella tops
plastic / clarity plastic / clarity plastic seeper case / plastic in silver / animal figure plastic / plastic flashlight 闪光灯/ wooden / animal figure wooden / latex / rubber with white stripe / EVA soft /straight / curved handle /aluminium curved handle /clamp handle / rattan curved handle 藤条弯把/ plastic oblate handle flat push-in ferrule in silver 扁圆手把带有金属环/
hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & zincification ribs + self tips
hexagon chromeplated metal shft & aluminium fluted ribs +white FRP + metal tips
hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & nickel-plate ribs +metal tips
hexagon chromeplated metal shaft & black ribs
chromeplated metal shaft & zincification fluted / round ribs + self tips
chromeplated metal shaft & nickel-plate ribs + self tips
chromeplated metal shaft & reverse nickel-plate frame & self tips
chromeplated metal shaft & zinc fluted ribs +safety runner 安全式
chrometplated steel shaft & steel ribs in white /alloy metal cap
chrometplated metal shaft & white FRP ribs
chrometplated metal shaft & aluminium fluted ribs & white FRP + metal tips
aluminium shaft a& aluminium fluted / round ribs +white FRP
aluminium shaft & black metal fluted ribs
aluminium shaft & metal fluted ribs
titanium-aluminium shaft & fluted ribs +white FRP
FRP shaft & ribs
Black metal shaft & fluted ribs
Black metal shaft & ribs
Wooden shaft & black fluted ribs
Wooden shaft & black plastic point / zincification fluted ribs
White powder coated metal shaft & ribs
Metal shaft + red plastic point & fluted ribs
Gilt aluminium shaft with scrimshaw artwork & nickel-plated fluted ribs 镀金铝中棒
Gilt aluminium shaft & gilt metal fluted ribs
190T nylon printed / solid / solid nylon fabric in silver / lattice / full printed chromatic stripe fabric
190T nylon fabric canopy with piping 烫花on the dege of the panels & tie strap
190T white nylon fabric pouch+purfle pearls on the edge of the cover & tie strap & pouch
190T white nylon fabric cover with blue piping + imprinted blue reseau 网格+ self fabric pouch
190T / 170T polyester printd / solid / lattice
190T polyester fabric canopy + overhand the edge of the panels & tie strap
PG fabric with self fabric pouch
PG fabric +self fabric pouch+ purfle pearls on the edge of the cover & tie strap & pouch
T/C fabric canopy+ purfle 花边on the edge of the panels
http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... ;page=26&extra=
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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