We have changed attached seal sets which you sent us before of the minipump SM-3S-150-H, but there is still air leakge problem with the single cycle port, below are the details,1, After building up pressure of the pump, to increase the inlet pressure with the driving pressure regulator, during the process of pressure increasing of the pump, there is serious leakge problem with the single cycle port, the pump can not 换向,so the liquid output pressure can not be controlled.
2, When balance pressure was reached but the air supply was still on, the pressure of the HP liquid decreases, the pump can not make up pressure immediately, so the leakge problem of the single cycle port will become more and more serious. Sometimes the pressure of the liquid decreases to about 2175 psi, the pump can not make up the pressure., and sometimes even the liquid exausted the pressure to 0 psi, the pump still can not make up the pressure.
Please advise if this is problem of the gas valve of the pump, if yes, how should we solve the problem? Thanks.
1. 泵在建立起压力后,用驱动调压阀缓慢加大泵的驱动进气压力,泵在增压的过程中,泵单行程口的小孔漏气严重,导致泵不能正常换向,输出的液体压力不能控制;
2. 泵在通气保压的状态下,高压液体压力下降,而泵不能立即补压,此时泵单行程口的小孔漏气会从小到大,有时高压液体压力下降15MPa左右泵才能换向补压,而有时即使高压液体压力卸压为0MPa,泵仍然不能换向补压。
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2012-2-29 15:36 编辑 ]
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