All material created,composed,submitted,added and/or interpolated by me in connection with my work for the Company,and all results and proceeds of my services to Company, shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Company in perpetuity throughout the universe. The Company shall have the sole and exclusive right in perpetuity throughtout the universe, to be exercised in its sole discretion, to sell,use,license and otherwise exploit such material,results or proceeds in any manner,method or medium, whether now known or hereafter devised.Any and all copyrights (including any renewal, extension or reversin of such copyrights) now or hereafter provided with respect to any of such material,results or proceeds shall be teh property of the Company,and I shall be deemed to be worker for hire with respect to any of such material,results or proceeds each and all of which shall be deemed to be works made for hire.All rights granted or agreed to be granted to the Company hereunder in connection with my work for the Company shall vest in the company immdiately and shall remain perpetually vested in the company.I hereby assign, and agree to assign,all right,title and interest in any and all copyright,copyright registrations and copyrightable subject matter which occur as a result of my work for the Company,together with any and all causes of action accrued in my favour,for infringement of any of the rights in the foregoing ,to the company,its successors and assigns.I hereby irrevocably appoint the company as my attorney-in-fact for the purpose of executing any and all documents and performing any and all other acts necessary to give effect and legality to the provisions of this paragraph.
所有本人创作的,组成的,提交的,添加的或者篡改的与公司作品相关的材料,以及所有我对公司的服务结果及收益,都应该永永远远是公司唯一的,特有的财产。公司永远拥有着以下唯一特有的权利,在唯一的谨慎下执行销售,使用,特许或者开发这些材料及任何形式下的结果和收益,方法或媒介,不论是现在知道的还是以后发现的。 现在或以后提供的关于这类材料,结果和收益的任何版权,(这其中包括更新过的,扩展过的或者是或者是继承的此类版权)都应该是公司的财产。当涉及到公司的材料,结果及收益,我也应该认为是被雇佣的工人,所有的这些作品也应该被认为是雇佣作品。关连到我为公司创作的作品,所有被授予的版权,以及同意授予公司版权的,都应该立即归属于公司所有,并永远属于公司。在此,我指定,并同意指定给这个公司,它的继承者以及其受让人以下:关于所有版权的权利,头衔,兴趣;版权注册以及由我为公司创作的作品产生的有关版权的主要问题,还有积累下来的对我有利的诉讼原因—当前述的我们的任何权利受到损害时。在此,我不可撤销地任命贵公司为我们的代理人,以达到行使任何单据的目的,以及进行任何必要的行动来使这份合同的条款合法有效。
[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-2-29 09:54 编辑 ]
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