Hello East,Thank you for contacting us. I spent some time on your website and am very impressed by your product range.
Is it possible to get samples?
In particular, the quality of the paintwork/finish on your lures looks very good. Do you do holographic finish? I think holographic/color changing is desired finish customers will be looking for on their lures.
I am starting the planning for a new product range for 2013 and possibly your company could produce this product for me. We should begin a dialogue.
Many Thanks
上面是整一邮件,下面的这句话我看不懂, holographic/color什么意思
Do you do holographic finish? I think holographic/color changing is desired finish customers will be looking for on their lures.
全息(Holography)(来自于拉丁词汇,whole+ drawing的复合),特指一种技术,可以让从物体发射的衍射光能够被重现,其位置和大小同之前一模一样。从不同的位置观测此物体,其显示的像也会变化。因此,这种技术拍下来的照片是三维的。
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