villiege&town bank is an banking finance institution which is approved/authorized by China banking supervise&administration according to the related law and regulations, invested by finance institution from homeland or overseas, enterprise corporation of Non-fination institution in the homeland and set up in the countryside to provice financial service for local farmer, agricultural&countryside economic development.At present, there are only three finance theme in the countryside,the first is credit union, second is postal savings which is just saving and non loaning, last is branch agency of agricultural bank of China. rural financial market is still Monopoly status,no competition so that the service is difficult to be proved and the loaning request of farmers can not be satisfied.outlet of reform is bring in the new finance institute. Following government pay attention to the problems of agriculture,countryside and farmer more and more, also the economy of countryside is developed repidly. demand of countryside to financial service is proved furtherly. As financial institute serving countryside.villege&town bank has widely development space. In the meantime, as new thing,villege&town bank is also exsit a lot of defect in the process of development.How to establish brand feature and perfect operation systerm so as to .....
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