



Posted: May 21,2012 12:05

All the preparation work of the 8th shanghai Mode Lingerie is in full swing. Our journalist interviewed Marie Dominique - exhibition manager of EUROVET with anticipation to reveal the important changes of the 8th shanghai mode lingerie beforehead.

J: After seven-year success in China,what is the new breakthrough and highlight of Shanghai Mode lingerie this year?

M: This is the 8th year of Shanghai Mode Lingerie and we got much experience in the past seven years on how to work with China and Asia in general. Shanghai Mode Lingerie got great success on interfiliere and international brands. The biggest change this year is the conception. Shanghai Mode Lingerie is not a simple two-day show any more, but a gala event which consists a series of activities for branding. We want to help more brands to do promotion and set up their image, build international social circle. Shanghai Mode Lingerie is a wonderful platform, it’s not only for Chinese brands to aware, but also a way for them to show their image. The brightest change of this year is that we strengthen international networking and opportunity. Based on this we help brands to express their image fully.

J : Eurovet recently bought 100% Curvexpo and further consolidate the leader of lingerie show. What is the strategic ajustment of Shanghai Mode Lingerie to take adventage of global resource ?

M : Fully possession of Curve means we have our own shows on all the three most important continants and our offices spread all over the global to collect informaiton and resources. Chinese brands will benefit a lot from our global power to do promotion. We will have much more exchange and cooperation with America market. There is a big rise of visitors and exhibitors from America. For example, a delegation consisted by more than ten swimwear brands from Columbia will come to Shanghai Mode Lingerie. Recently some America companies have emailed me to get detail information of Shagnhai Mode Lingerie. Also during Curvexpo in New York and Las Vegas, there will be pavillions for Shanghai Mode Lingerie. It’s a good way for America exhibitors, retailers and department stores to know Chinese brands.

J : Shanghai Mode Lingerie has a special pavilion in Mode City, what is the important significance and influnce on Shanghai Mode Lingerie and its exhibitors ?

M :Its a way to show to all exhibitors and visitors the quality and image of Chinese brands. Many foreigners are not aware of Chinese brands. It’s our duty to let them konw and make them draw focus. This is a very good oppotunity for individual brands, for we will design a “gallery”to put 1-2 pictures of their key products and do questionair for brands onsite. If someone intersted in one brand we will set connection between them. What’s more, this process will get consistent media exposure that keeps several months. Through Shanghai Mode Lingerie pavillion Chinese brands will own international reputation in China and win glory for their motherland on the international stage.

J : Shanghai Mode Lingerie is always the best platform for branding. Will the 8th Shanghai Mode Lingerie take some new actions to help Chinese brands?

M : We dedicate in creating a flourishing industrial environment in China that encourage all the brands to be competitive and strengthen their designing. This is why we hold “Lingerie Designing Week ”, it consist of a series of activities like gala fashion night and individual brands fashion show. The international brands and designers will present their most wonderful creation to give Chinese brands much inspiration. We will lauch French lingerie show in big shopping malls in Shanghai to release concept of “lingerie ” to the public。 They are actually the fianl target consumers. We also do much work on colleting retailer information. We bring numerous retailers from ten major cities in China to all our brands. In the range of Asia, through our global office(Hongkong, Taiwai, Singapore, South Korea), we study the secret of international lingerie channel. We get closer to brands to learn what they really want. This year we even help brands to design their booths to give them inspiration of designing their own stores.

J :Each year the trends forum and designing give us a lot of suprise and inspiration. What will Shanghai Mode Lingerie do this year to make better use of this adventage ?

M :We will further strangthen our adventage on trends this year. Every year we have fashion show taking trends of next season as the topic. This year we change the location of treands forum, making it a much more wonderful area for visitors to enjoy and study. One important thing is that during Shagnhai Mode Lingerie, we will sell evolution 20----the latest trend guide book for the first time. Another one is that we add a new trends conference which focus on how to understand and use trends forum. How to introject trends guide into their own stratage. This is a very practical conference.

[ 本帖最后由 Namiko-zs 于 2012-5-22 16:12 编辑 ]

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