加拿大进出口外贸Unknown tie with you


It is hard believe the movie <500 days of summer> changed my thought of you.You keep this unknown tie with me for a year long, sorry, to be exact, it is my part to keep this tie, all this is because you are casual, you are not seroius, you are treating me as a friend only, nothing special.

    I am just like Tom in this movie, he is so silly to think that Summer likes him, yet indeed she is casual, she just likes to be with him and doesn't want a relationship with him.

    Maybe I did have some influence on you, or maybe you did like me on certain level, but anyhow, i am not the right one for you, i know..

    At the same time,the movie let me know for sure you are not the right one for me,either.For all year long, why i still cannot completely put my myself into the tie with you, why i cannot summon up the nerve to tell you i like you ,all those are because i am never sure of you, you are still not perfect for me..

   For Tom and Summer, they are not the right one for each other, but this relationship makes both of them grow..Summmer finally found out Tom was not the rigth one and married another guy and Tome finally found out when summer is gone, there is autumn.

   For us, we are not the right one for each other, but from you i still learn something,that is, maybe you are the right guy, but may not be my right guy;maybe i am the right girl, but may not be your right girl. That is it..

   I think it is time to end up this unknown tie with you.And i still believe, it is worth meeting you for i learn something..

   Love is a simple thing! It is like waiting a bus.It is not the last one you catch up, and it is not the next one you catch up. It is just this one that you catch up...So, be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.

   I am just waiting, wait for the right one. And maybe one day when i wake up, i suddently realize " yes, who is the right one and then marry him."

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