

Table 1: Safety Chain Size Selection

14.4.   ‘Drawbars’  – Safety Chain Attachment Points
14.4.1.   Any safety chain attachment point affixing a safety chain to a  ‘Drawbar’  
must be located as near as practicable to the ‘ Coupling ’. Where two
points of attachment are required they must be mounted one on either
side of the centreline of the ‘Drawbar’ .  
14.4.2.   Any safety chain attachment point affixing a safety chain to a  ‘Drawbar’  
must withstand at least the following forces, sepa rately applied, without
incurring either any residual deforma tion that would interfere or degrade
the function of the assembly or any  breaks, cracks or separation of the
components. The static forces must be maintained for not less than 10
seconds:  Longitudinal tension (N) = 9.81 x  ‘ATM’  (kg); and  vertical tension (N) = 0.5 x 9.81 x  ‘ATM’  (kg).  
15.1.  The technical requirements of ECE Regulation No. 55/01 Uniform
Provisions Concerning the Appr oval of Mechanical Coupling
Components of Combinations of Vehicles shall be deemed to be
equivalent to the technical requirements of this standard as applicable to:
15.1.1.   Class G50 standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel couplings and class
H fifth wheel coupling pins, 50 mm diameter;
15.1.2.   Class G50-X  non-standard 50 mm pin  diameter fifth wheel couplings if
the manufacturer can demons trate that they can be reliably coupled to
class H fifth wheel coupling pins, 50 mm diameter;
15.1.3.   Class H50-X non-standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel coupling pins
if the manufacturer can demonstrate that they can be reliably coupled to
class G50 standard 50 mm pin diameter fifth wheel couplings;
15.1.4.   Class C drawbar couplings with a  50 mm diameter pin and class D
drawbar eyes having a parallel hole suitable for a 50 mm diameter pin;
15.1.5.   Class A50-1 to A 50-5 standard 50 mm  coupling balls with flange type
bolted fixing;
15.1.6.   Class A50-X non-standard 50 mm coupling balls and brackets if the
manufacturer can demonstrate that they  can be reliably coupled to class B
coupling heads fitted to th e drawbar of trailers for connecting to the 50
mm diameter coupling ball;
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2010C00153
Australian Design Rule 62/02 Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles  16

15.1.7.   Class B coupling heads fitted to the drawbar of trailers for connecting to
the 50 mm diameter coupling ball, but excluding class B50-X, non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling heads;
15.1.8.   Class B50-X non-standard 50 mm diameter coupling heads if the
manufacturer can demonstrate that they  can be reliably coupled to class
A coupling balls and towing brack ets employing a 50 mm diameter
spherical device;
15.1.9.   Classes KA1, KA2 or KA3 hook type couplings;
15.1.10.  Classes L1, L2, L3, L4 or L5 toroidal drawbar eyes;
15.1.11.  Class E drawbars, but ex cluding their installation.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2010C00153
Australian Design Rule 62/02 Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles  17


Dimensional Requirements for ‘Hook Couplings’
Refer Clause 11.6
The following has been reproduced from ECE Regulation No. 55/01 Uniform
Provisions Concerning the Approval of  Mechanical Coupling Components of
Combinations of Vehicles, incorporating Co rrigendum 1 to Revision 1 of the regulation.


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