我是做无缝钢管的,今天老板给了我一分劳氏船级社标准 让我翻译 第一次见 我很奇怪他不是专门做船舶检验认证的吗,怎么连无缝钢管的标准也弄着 还是锅炉管的 二十几页 各种专业术语 刚上网搜索 压根就没看到中文标准的类似翻译文件 貌似领导给我的是最新版本的 2012的 哪位有中文版本 类似的也可以 我看到他每年都出一个技术标准 ············跪求中文版
Lloyd’s Register Rulefinder 2012 – Version 9.17
Rulefinder Version 9.17 (January 2012) - Lloyd’s Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture,
Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2011 - Steel Pipes and Tubes - Boiler and superheater tubes
Section 6 Boiler and superheater tubes
6.1 Scope
6.1.1. Provision is made in this Section for boiler and superheater tubes in carbon, carbon-manganese and low alloy
6.1.2. Austenitic stainless steels may also be used for this type of service. Where such applications are proposed,
details of the chemical composition, heat treatment and mechanical properties are to be submitted for consideration
and approval.
6.2 Manufacture and chemical composition
6.2.1. Tubes are to be seamless or welded and are to be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of
Sections 2 and 3, respectively.
6.2.2. The method of deoxidation and the chemical composition of ladle samples are to comply with the requirements
given in Table 6.2.1 or 6.3.1, as appropriate.
6.3 Heat treatment
6.3.1. All tubes are to be supplied in accordance with the requirements given in Table 6.2.3 or 6.3.3 as appropriate,
except that 1Cr½Mo steel may be supplied in the normalised only condition when the carbon content does not exceed
0,15 per cent.
6.4 Mechanical tests
6.4.1. Tubes are to be presented for test in batches as defined in Section 1.
6.4.2. Each boiler and superheater tube selected for test is to be subjected to at least the following:
(a). Tensile test.
(b). Flattening or bending test.
(c). Expanding or flanging test.
6.4.3. The results of all mechanical tests are to comply with the appropriate requirements given in Table 6.6.1.
6.5 Mechanical properties for design
6.5.1. The mechanical properties at elevated temperature for carbon and carbon-manganese steels in Grades 320 to
460, 1Cr½Mo and 2¼Cr1Mo steels can be taken from the appropriate Tables in Section 2.
6.5.2. Where rimming steel is used, the design temperature is limited to 400°C.
Table 6.6.1 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: boiler and superheater
Type of steel Grade
Elongation on
5,65 %
constant C
Bend test
diameter of
former (t =
Drift expanding and
flanging test minimum %
increase in outside
≤0,6 >0,6≤0,8 >0,8
Carbon and
320 195 320–440 25 0,10 12 15 19
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加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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