


1 Must be made of a low-density polyethylene;
2 Must have a minimum thickness of 0.01 millimeter;
3 The fold specified for each garment should determine Polybag dimensions;
4 Must be BHT (Butyrate Hydroxyl Toluene) free. Polybags containing BHT may discolor
light colored garments while in-transit;
5 The tape to keep the polybags closed should not come in contact with the garment.
6 All garments should be pre-ticketed in accordance with the Purchase Order (PO)
Attention: Each item must be packed in a plastic bag by unit for safety reasons.


Cartons must be CORRUGATE (2 walls) and attend to the following requirements:
- Burst Strength: 125Kg.
- Edge Crust Test: 21.8Kg minimum.
Carton weight cannot be less than 3Kg and cannot exceed 25Kg. Standard for safe
transportation: All cartons should weight 20 kg.
The following carton dimension are allowed:
- Length: minimum: 25 cm / maximum: 70 cm.
- Width.: minimum: 15 cm / maximum: 40 cm.
- Height: minimum: 12 cm / maximum: 40 cm.

Carton shape: A rectangular shape is desired. Please keep height measurement always smaller
than length and width.
Carton Openings must be always and only on top and bottom.
Shipping cartons must resist to be piled 2 mts height with no signs of crushing, split corrugate
or split seams. Any carton damage during transportation and the looses of its consequence will
be subject of charge back.
Cartons must contain SOLID COLOR/SAME SIZE garments. In case of lasting garments of one
specific size, it’s allowed to pack 2 different sizes on same cartons but separating them with a
carton paper.
It can not have any space missing inside the box, in order to avoid bursting because of weight.  

Violated cartons or any damaged item, indicating lack of care during the packing, are Supplier’s
full responsibility, implying a discount in price of all damaged items.

  All cartons should be produced in resistant material “FOR EXPORTATION” and covered with
plastic strap (to seal up and protect).

OBS:  If you are exporting FABRICS in BALES you must put the label out side the bale mentioning:

其实不难啊  尺寸要么 外尺寸 内尺寸  之分  就是材质比较多 ,有问题可以联系我   QQ:318827378

Cartons must be CORRUGATE (2 walls) and attend to the following requirements: 外箱必须是2层瓦楞纸(B2B):
- Burst Strength: 125Kg.             防爆强度:125KGS
- Edge Crust Test: 21.8Kg minimum.  边硬度测试:最小21.8KGS
Carton weight cannot be less than 3Kg and cannot exceed 25Kg. Standard for safe
transportation: All cartons should weight 20 kg. 每箱重量限制在3KGS到25KGS。符合安全运输标准:所有箱子重量应为20KGS。
The following carton dimension are allowed: 允许以下外箱尺寸(外箱尺寸限定)
- Length: minimum: 25 cm / maximum: 70 cm.
- Width.: minimum: 15 cm / maximum: 40 cm.
- Height: minimum: 12 cm / maximum: 40 cm.

Carton shape: A rectangular shape is desired. Please keep height measurement always smaller
than length and width. 外箱形状:要求为矩形,保持箱子的高度比长和宽的尺寸都小。
Carton Openings must be always and only on top and bottom. 箱子为上下开封
Shipping cartons must resist to be piled 2 mts height with no signs of crushing, split corrugate
or split seams. Any carton damage during transportation and the looses of its consequence will
be subject of charge back. 出货箱子堆放限高2米且不可有压破,爆裂或裂缝等破损现象。
Cartons must contain SOLID COLOR/SAME SIZE garments. In case of lasting garments of one
specific size, it’s allowed to pack 2 different sizes on same cartons but separating them with a
carton paper. 每箱必须装单色/同尺寸的衣服。如果有一款特殊尺寸的衣服,可允许2种尺寸的衣服装同一个箱子,但须用纸板隔开。
It can not have any space missing inside the box, in order to avoid bursting because of weight.为了防止因为重力而爆开,每个箱子里面不可以有多余空间。  

Violated cartons or any damaged item, indicating lack of care during the packing, are Supplier’s
full responsibility, implying a discount in price of all damaged items. 违反包装或有任何被损坏产品,表明包装期间粗心大意,供应商应负全责,意味着所有被损坏的产品将会被折扣。

  All cartons should be produced in resistant material “FOR EXPORTATION” and covered with
plastic strap (to seal up and protect). 所有箱子应用符合出口的耐腐材料制造且用胶带封口

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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