加拿大进出口外贸A Quiet Sunday Afternoon


It is a quiet Sunday afternoon,

It is a long time i haven' t got time to sit at my desk reading and writing.You know, I like such simple life.
But, as i said just now, it is "a long time". For months, every Sunday afternoon i just went out dating with my friends, shopping, singi ng karaoke,etc. I didn't have time talking to myself for long.

I t should be a same Sunday afternoon, when i should spent time outside with my friends, but things are not as i planned yesterday.
So i changed my mind to have a quiet conversation with myself, to reflect what happened in the last one year and the year to come.

The last one year , not quite smooth, though. Spending a lot of time tracing what i want, yet , the tragedy is i didn't fulfill what i should do.And finally i had to started from zero once again.Comparing with others, I fell behaind others several steps ,which means in the year to come, i have to , to be exact, "i must " put double energy into my work to catch up.

But the road lays before me is not so simple, i do hope it is a one-way road.
Am I just walking the same road like now?or should i try to seek higher aim like some friends around, walk their old  load?
It is complicated for me.
Does it mean i am a decadent when i remain in the same position?
Should i  keep tracing what i lost, but at the same time, half drop what i have now as a cost?
It is paradoxical, too hard to choose, and nobody seems to give me a brain-wash way out.
Maybe i should try one more time, but, with different mindset, different attitude and different energy-inputting.Anyhow, it should be different.And if it means to be, it is yours.
This is the last thing i can figure out last year.Luckily, now i understand it.

Speaking of the friends circle in year 2011, maybe this circle disappears now when everyone have their new life finally.New environment, new friends, new circle.  It makes sense to disappear and it means to be.
No one did wrong, i see. What seems wrong is my way of thinking.
Everyone have moved on before i do,  they got new life and enjoy it,which i didn't .
I am the one who remains in the same place, caring the whole world , acting like a stupid ass, thinking what they should think, suppose what they should do, but turn out i am the only idiot.
We are not in the same world now.I should step out of it.

For the coming year, i got myself 2 plans: one, keep improve English and stuff myself more knowledge in foreign trade;
two, never waste time, keep tracing the higher aim though it seems unreachable. Anyhow , give another shot.

Don't grumble why i remain common, whom i meet is commom.That is because i am common, i fell back to be common, and never try to step out of common.

Cheer up!  I should be! I was not  born common, and i got infinite space to move on.Why should i remain like this?
Move on, i think.

It is a nice afternoon, i think .




I always introspect yourself 3 times per day..[ what's for breakfast?lunch?dinner? ]
Just kidding.

Wish you have a fantastic 2013.
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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